Twin Sisters Give Birth To Set Of Twins At The Same Time
What a crazy story!
Patricia Lynn

Meet Kerri Bunker and Kelli Wall. Being identical twins, Kerri and Kelli are close. How close though? You’re about to hear a story about these twins that will surely redefine your idea of how close a bond can be between two family members.


Kerri and Kelli’s lives have always intersected. Kerrie met her husband at Kelli’s wedding. And they both had trouble trying to get pregnant. After doctors told each sister that it would be very hard for them to conceive naturally, they both turned to alternative methods.


Using IVF (in vitro fertilization), both Kerri and Kelli were able to get pregnant. The best part? They both had twins!


The story doesn’t end there, however. Several years later, Kelli attempted to become pregnant again using IVF. To their excitement, Kelli was pregnant with twins again!

Kelli eagerly shared the good news with Kerri, then Kerri had a strange thought. What if she was pregnant too?

“I don’t even know what made me think I could be. There was nothing, I mean nothing. And it was just [like], ‘why not?’ I found out I was pregnant the day she found out she was having twins.”

Well lo and behold, Kerri was also pregnant.


The craziest part? Kerri was pregnant with twins as well! That’s right, both Kerri and Kelli have been pregnant with two sets of twins, all at around the same time.


For twin sisters that thought they couldn’t bear children, you can’t even begin to imagine how they must’ve felt about their incredible luck. Kerri explained,

“I still can’t even believe it! My mom and dad said, you know what, obviously these babies need to be here. There’s a reason. So we’re chalking it up as a miracle and it’s all part of our little plan!”

No matter what happens in the future, these twin sisters know they’ll always be there for each other. And there’s no better feeling that that!

Watch the video below to hear more about this amazing story:

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Twin sisters defy the odds with multiple sets… by cbsnews

[Source: CBS News]
