Siblings are similar but twins share a very special bond that only they understand.
Parents expect their twins to be alike in many ways. Maybe they like the same foods, have the same mannerisms, or share the same talents. Most of these similarities aren’t surprising to parents of twins. It comes with the territory. One mom of identical baby girls, however, was pleasantly surprised to witness just how much twins ‘share a brain.’
When mom comes into their room to wake both girls up, they happily show her how good they are at toddling around the crib.
Their matching pajamas and identical sweet faces are too cute. Mom captures their morning routine on camera and records their reactions.
One twin starts to look at mom while she plays in her crib.
She looks back at her sister and back to her side of the crib without much fuss at all. She scrunches up her face a little bit as if her nose is itchy.
Twin number two also looks at mom with the same wide eyes.
Is that a similar scrunched-up nose? Looks like someone else has an itchy nose.
Then, at the exact same second, the two girls simultaneously sneeze.
Their heads go down at the same time while holding onto the crib for support. You couldn’t have timed this any better. These twins take twinning to a new level.
As if they had planned the entire thing, they sneeze in unison and mom can’t believe it.
Mom can be heard just gasping with laughter at what just occurred. The babies even have a look of surprise on their faces.
“You guys sneezed at the same time!” she laughs.
They look over at her…at the same time of course…and mom just laughs at what just happened. Luckily she had it all on video. She just laughs and says, “wow.” Yep, this is proof that twins share a brain. This probably isn’t the first time these girls have surprised their mom by doing the same exact thing at the exact same time. It definitely won’t be the last.
Twins are truly fascinating.
We all know that twins can share all sorts of idiosyncrasies. Their connection is so unique and differs from ordinary siblings. According to, twins will at times, ‘say or do the same thing at the same time.’ There are countless studies that have been done to figure out if twins really do share feelings or sense each other’s likes or dislikes.
‘Older studies on twin relationships have indicated that twins may share a stronger bond than non-twin siblings.’ –
The two girls are already mirroring each other at such a young age.
Maybe there is some truth to the theory that twins can share feelings but for now, these two adorable sisters are having fun keeping their mom guessing.
Now watch this adorable video capturing two identical twin sisters sneezing at the exact same time.
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