Do you want your child to be treated well by their romantic partners?
Well, that starts with how you treat your own spouse.
Children form their basis for a relationship by observing how you get along with your spouse or partner.

So if parents treat each other like crap it’s like that their child will treat their romantic partners like crap.
That or they’ll allow themselves to be treated poorly.
Some parents don’t think about the consequences their words and actions can have with the children are observing.

“If you never show affection and love to your partner/spouse in front of your child, the child does not develop a barometer for what love is or what it looks like. If you are always putting your spouse down and rejecting him/her, threatening divorce, you create a chronic state of anxiety for your child,” Clinical Psychologist, Author, and Radio Host Sherrie Campbell, PhD told The Huffington Post.

Nicole Merritt, the mom behind the blog Jthreenme, wanted to send a clear message to all the fathers out there.
She wants them to know that they need to treat their wives well if they want their daughters to find a good partner.
Merritt starts her Facebook post empathizing with dads about how terrifying it is to think that their daughter will one day have a boyfriend.

“The good news, though, is that you are able to show her all that she deserves from a man. Relationships and marriages are hard, and that is a truth that your daughter will learn one day. They are challenging for all people, including the kindhearted and well-intentioned,” she explains.

“The best (and probably the hardest) thing that you can do for your daughter is to model for her how a woman should be treated.”
Merritt puts the bottom line boldly.

Merritt explains that daughters are impressionable and will learn about relationships in movies, TV shows, magazines, on social media, and from friends.
“You, and only you, can combat this — by treating her mother well and loving her mother hard,” she says. “It all starts at home — with you and your wife. Today and all days, respect your wife.”

She asks dads to smile at their wives, make eye contact, listen intently, open doors, build confidence, praise accomplishments, encourage, empathize, adventure, and tell her she is beautiful inside and out.
“Your daughter more than loves her mother; she is enthralled with her. The mother-daughter connection is so intertwined, that mothers and their daughters, well, they tend to live a parallel life,” Merritt says.

“And, your understanding of this will help you to come to this realization: That your relationship with your wife is about so much more than just you and her.”
Merritt says that treating your wife well and loving her is the greatest gift that you can give your daughter.
You can see Merrit’s original post below.
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