Most people hope that if they needed to take time off for a sick family member or an emergency that their boss would allow it and be supportive. One woman recently assumed that when her son was on life support, her boss would be willing to give her some time off.

It turns out, she was wrong, and the boss did nothing but add more stress to Crystals upsetting situation.
Crystal’s son had been in the hospital for a while when she got the devastating news that he was being put on life support. Like any mother, she wanted to be there with him and she sent her boss a text to let her know that she wouldn’t be able to make it into work. She said:
“So my son is on life support and I tell my boss 48 hours before I am to work again that I will not be able to work until my son is off life support and this is what she tells me!”

To her surprise, her boss sent her a nasty text message back saying that she was taking it as if Crystal were quitting.
Crystal explained that she didn’t want to quit and was hoping to eventually return to work. She said just needed some time off while her son was sick. She couldn’t believe how her boss was acting.

Instead of being compassionate to Crystal’s situation, the boss chose to be cruel and only tried to make thing worse for her.

Regardless of how many times Crystal tried to explain that she didn’t want to quit, the boss kept pushing it. Her boss said:
“That isn’t how we do things, so I’ll accept that you’re quitting.”
Crystal tried to explain that this wasn’t her trying to call off for a dentist appointment or a vacation. Her son’s life was at stake, and she just wanted to be by his side. The boss replied with:
“And you can’t work cuz? Too much drama.”

The more Crystal fought to keep her job but also take the time to be with her son, the more her boss seemed to taunt her with being fired.
At one point in the conversation, she said:
“We don’t just get to come and go at Folk Oil… I have tomorrow and Monday covered. your son is in the best place he can be. I have a store to run and that is my focus.”
Crystal eventually gave up on the conversation.

She needed and wanted to keep her job, but her son had to come first.
She hoped that the staff at corporate would understand. She contacted them about the situation and shared the conversation with them. They were also shocked and posted a statement on social media explaining that they were not happy with the way things were handled. They said:
“PS Food Mart and Folk Oil Company are in complete agreement that this is not acceptable. We investigated and have found that the situation was handled improperly and without the compassion that we value as a company. For that, we are very sorry. As a result of this finding, we took quick action and that manager is no longer employed by PS Food Mart. We have also reaffirmed to our employee that she will be able to take all the time off that she needs during this difficult period. We’d like to thank the public for their concern.”

Crystal is likely relieved that cooperate stepped in to help her out with that mean and hateful boss.
She can now spend as much time as she needs with her son while he is on life support and doesn’t have to worry about losing her job. She has set up a GoFundMe page to help pay for gas and food during this difficult time. Crystal has not yet given an update on her son, but hopefully, he is doing well and will make a full recovery.
Hopefully, her former boss learns some compassion and humanity before she goes on to get another job where she works with people.
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So my son is on life support and I tell my boss 48 hours before I am to work again that I will not be able to work until my son is off life support and this is what she tells me!
Posted by Crystal Reynolds Fisher on Saturday, June 30, 2018