This is a story of unparalleled courage and love of a young brother for his younger sister. This is what happens when we decide to love someone else more than ourselves and we won’t hesitate to place their safety and well-being before ours. Stay tuned to the story because you will definitely tear up!
On July 9th, a 6-year old boy from Wyoming, Bridger Walker, saved the life of his little sister, by jumping in front of her, shielding her from a dog that was ready to attack her. Unfortunately, the 1-year-old German shepherd didn’t stop and he jumped on Bridger, biting him onto his cheek.
After being attacked and bitten several times on his face and head, the boy took his sister’s hand and run into safety. Bridger ended up having a 2-hour operation and around 90 stitches from a plastic surgeon and he returned to his home to recover.
The boy explained in the aftermath of his attack that “If someone was going to die, I thought it should be me.” What a brave little boy and what great feelings of self-sacrifice and protectiveness must he have had! We can see on the photos posted by his aunt on Instagram that the bond between the siblings must be very strong.
The aunt of the little boy, being proud of his bravery and self-sacrifice, reached out to the boy’s favorite superheroes, informing them of the boy’s actions and that he should also now be considered a superhero. She wrote on her Instagram account, “We love our brave boy and want all the other superheroes to know about this latest hero who joined their ranks. @tomholland2013 @chrishemsworth @robertdowneyjr @markruffalo @prattprattpratt @twhiddleston @chadwickboseman @vindiesel @chrisevans”.

As the story got bigger media exposure, it eventually reached the “superheroes”. One by one Bridger’s “superheroes” send him video messages, congratulating him for his courage. Chris Evans, also known as Captain America, called Bridger a “hero” and he told him, “What you did was so brave, so selfless, your sister is so lucky to have you as a big brother, your parents must be so proud of you”.
More and more celebrities came forward with messages for the young boy. Robert Downey Jr, aka Iron Man, send him a video message too, saying, “Bridger, you are a Rockstar!”. While Anne Hathaway wrote on her Instagram account,“I’m not an Avenger, but I know a superhero when I see one. I can only hope I’m half as brave in my life as you are in yours, Bridger. Wishing you an easeful recovery, and many cool looking rocks”.

Little Bridger Walker is undoubtedly an amazing kid and a wonderful brother. Through his selfless act showed the world but most importantly his little sister how much he loved her and how seriously he took his role as the bigger brother. I hope that they will not have to face that dangerous situation ever again and they will continue to be this close as the years pass by!
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