Family Fun
11-year-old delivers hilarious best man speech that stirs up laughter
This kid should be a comedian, he nails it.
Jenny Brown

A Wedding to Remember

Weddings are a blend of emotions, laughter, and memorable speeches.

Among the many heartwarming moments, speeches often stand out, especially when they come from unexpected sources.

Imagine the surprise when the best man speech at one wedding was delivered by an 11-year-old!

Unsplash - Al Elmes
Unsplash - Al Elmes

The Young Best Man

At a particular wedding reception, the groom’s nephew, a young boy of 11, was given the honor of delivering the best man speech.

Many might have wondered how a child would handle such a significant responsibility.

However, the boy, R.J., surprised everyone with a speech so hilarious that it had everyone in stitches.

YouTube - Garden Travails
YouTube - Garden Travails

The Speech Begins

The newlyweds, Bill and Mary, sat attentively as R.J. took the stage.

He began his speech with a heartfelt thank you, expressing his gratitude to everyone present and especially to Bill for inviting him to be his best man.

His sincere words were met with appreciative smiles.

YouTube - Garden Travails
YouTube - Garden Travails

A Natural Comedian

R.J. then switched gears, showcasing his natural comedic talent.

Public speaking can be daunting for many, but this young boy seemed born for the spotlight.

He humorously shared,

“Me and Bill, we go back a long time. 11 years…pretty much my whole life.”

YouTube - Garden Travails
YouTube - Garden Travails

Spilling the Beans

The laughter continued as R.J. delved into Bill’s past love life.

He cheekily revealed,

“You know, we used to live in Iowa and every year he would come around to visit…with a new girlfriend. Sometimes two.”

The crowd roared with laughter at the young boy’s audacity.

YouTube - Garden Travails
YouTube - Garden Travails

The Dating Guru

R.J. continued his hilarious revelations, claiming that Bill often sought his advice on his romantic relationships.

His advice was usually quite straightforward, “Kick ’em to the curb!”

His comedic timing and delivery had the entire audience in fits of laughter.

YouTube - Garden Travails
YouTube - Garden Travails

A Special Mention for the Bride

The speech then took a sweet turn as R.J. focused on the bride, Mary.

He shared,

“But you know, when Mary came she was different – she seemed normal. So I said, ‘Go for it!’ And I’m happy you listened to my advice.”

The newlyweds couldn’t help but laugh along.

YouTube - Garden Travails
YouTube - Garden Travails

The Perfect Ending

Every great speech needs a memorable ending, and R.J. didn’t disappoint.

He humorously advised his Uncle Bill,

“I leave you with this one final thought…stop asking me for advice. I’m 11-years-old! Congratulations.”

His closing remarks were met with thunderous applause and laughter.

YouTube - Garden Travails
YouTube - Garden Travails

A Standing Ovation

R.J.’s speech was such a hit that he received a standing ovation from some of the guests.

His speech, just over two minutes long, was a perfect blend of humor and sincerity, earning him more than 104K “likes” on YouTube.

As Martha Stewart Weddings recommends, reception toasts should be “short and sweet” – and we think this one was hilariously perfect.

Click on the video below to watch his laugh-out-loud speech for yourself!

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