Pregnancy is tough. You’re literally sharing your body with someone – and that someone really likes snacks.
Most partners understand what women go through during pregnancy and are appropriately sympathetic. Of course, that doesn’t mean they don’t take to Twitter to vent about it a little.
Just check out these 15 tweets from hilarious husbands:
1. Do the right thing
On way to donate blood. Pregnant wife: “bring home a HoHo!” #lifewithapregnantwife #goodthingsheaddedthe2ndHo
— Maury Turner (@MauryJTurner) December 10, 2013
It’s nice that you’re donating blood and all, but it’s really important that you never return home without a snack.
In fact, just always be prepared to grab a snack, no matter what you’re doing.
2. Quick change
One minute my wife is saying shes hungry but nothing sounds good. Next minute shes fast asleep snoring. 😂#LifeWithAPregnantWife #ThisIsPregnancy
— Allison&Reyna Rubio (@MrsandMrsRubio) May 17, 2018
Between hormones and hunger pangs, sometimes it’s hard to get a handle on what your body really needs when you’re pregnant. She just happened to need a miracle and a good nap.
3. It’s always too hot
Me-its 15° degrees out, do we need the fan on tonight? Her- yes. #lifewithapregnantwife
— Tom Boorsma (@TBoorsma) January 21, 2013
Hey, if a pregnant woman is too warm, turn on the cooling devices. After all, it’s easier to grab a blanket to stay warm than it is to cool off.

4. What’s up with the pickles?
I don’t know if we have enough pickles you guys!! #pregnantwifeproblems
— Big Coop (@Texans_for_Tide) June 1, 2014
It’s one of those pregnancy stereotypes that turns out to be true in many cases.
There’s just something about pickles that make things feel better.
5. It’s never too cold for ice cream
DQ run for the wife for a blizzard in a blizzard.. #pregnantwifeproblems
— RJP III (@theonlyripcity) March 25, 2014
To be fair, ice cream doesn’t require a warm day to be delicious.
Don’t question it, just get some for yourself too.

6. Stick with the truth
A’s first words this morning: “I feel emotionally unstable”. #lifewithapregnantwife
— the prices (@thepricepost) December 9, 2011
Isn’t it better when you get a warning that someone is feeling a little off?
It’s certainly less painful than finding out the hard way!
7. Hands off the cake
ashley almost just cried cause i was about to eat her cake #PregnantWifeProblems
— raffy_taffy (@Bad_Ralf) January 9, 2015
It’s obvious that you should never eat a pregnant woman’s food.
The only problem is coming to the realization that it’s ALL her food.
8. Potatoes, stat!
Anna Jo just threw her phone across the room and got all huffy. When I asked her what was wrong she just simply said “I want mashed potatoes…”#pregnantwifeproblems
— Chase Davis (@MChaseD) September 1, 2020
It seems a little over the top, but we understand this kind of passion for carbs.
In fact, we’re going to throw our phone right now and see if we get some mashed potatoes out of it.
9. Pregnancy brain
My wife was crying because she couldn’t find her socks … they were on her feet. #pregnantwife #pregnantwifeproblems
— Daniel Phelps (@fresno84) January 14, 2018
The brain fog during pregnancy is real.
But, hey, the good news is that no one needed to go find any socks.
10. I love you, I hate you
Pregnancy day 124: yesterday we were getting a divorce. Today she packed me lunch with a love note.
Haven’t decided if I’m eating lunch today. #pregnantwifeproblems
— James In Wichita (@johnsonsjimmy) March 12, 2018
It’s an emotional rollercoaster brought to you by hormone fluctuations. And the worst part is you can’t really control it because you don’t expect it.
But maybe just buy your own lunch that day.
11. Get your own stash
My wife is pregnant which basically means any ice cream in the house is her ice cream. #pregnantwifeproblems #wasreallylookingforwardtothaticecream #toosmarttoaskforsome
— Christopher Grebe (@IamAustinCG) February 13, 2018
Maybe it’s best to invest in a mini freezer when your wife is pregnant.
Just put it somewhere she doesn’t go and you can have some ice cream for yourself in secret.
12. Midnight cravings
There is no place to buy sno-cones in the middle of the night. #PregnantWifeProblems
— Tim Schnell (@__tims___) August 14, 2014
But the real question is: “did he try?”
Then again, the craving will probably have passed by the time he got home.
13. Potential disaster
today i watched my wife cry for a solid 5 minutes because her rocky road ice cream tasted good and she was worried that blue bell was going out of buisness and she might never get her favorite ice cream again #PregnantWifeProblems
— Bobby Hiatt (@RektByRenzo) August 29, 2018
The pregnant brain can predict a lot of worst-case scenarios.
Maybe it’s best to have a backup ice cream company to count on so things don’t seem so dire.
14. Listen up
Wife (wakes up): hi
Me: hi
Wife: no, I said pie.
😂#pregnantwifeproblems— Alex 🏳️🌈 (@aspen_writes) November 25, 2016
We get it. Pie is the first thing we think of in the morning too.
15. Beer solo
I’ve got all these beers and no one to drink them with #pregnantwifeproblems @kingryanfisher
— Jason Thompson (@JasonThompson12) May 25, 2014
On the one hand, you don’t want to drink alone because that seems unhealthy.
But after all that ice cream shopping and wintertime air conditioning, you might be entitled to a couple of cold ones.
Pregnancy is hard on both future parents.
But only one of them has another human being growing inside and sharing all of their resources. So just go buy the extra ice cream.
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