Kids typically have a normal bedtime routine they do every day. This will usually be something like taking a bath, brushing teeth, and reading a story with their parents.
But one little girl has a very unique bedtime routine. Her routine involves horses!

A little girl named Paisley from Tonopah, Arizona, loves her family’s horses. So much so, that before hitting the hay she likes to kiss them goodnight.
Mom flipped on her camera one evening and captured the most adorable footage of Paisley in action. Get ready to say, “Aww!”

Paisley was almost two-years-old when the video was filmed. There’s no question it’s one her family will cherish forever.
In the clip, she’s out in the horse corral with her mama wrapping up chores. Since they just finished feeding the animals, it was time for Paisley to go beddy-bye.
But not without properly saying goodnight to her four-legged friends!

The first horse gets a big old kiss from the toddler.
Paisley runs over to the horse who’s enjoying its dinner, then lovingly takes its head into her hands.
She can’t exactly reach, but she makes a precious kissy sound, bidding the animal good night.

Onto the next!
The toddler happily scurries off to the next horse, who’s also munching on her meal.
It sounds like she calls out the horse’s name, “Nala,” and then delivers some air kisses.

The horse leans in, and Paisley gets one right on her sweet nose.
While there’s no doubt the little girl is comfortable around the horses – they seem to be just as used to her too!
They’ve gotta love the bedtime routine as much as she does (well, almost as much).
Paisley is one lucky girl.
Most kids don’t have a horse stable in their own backyard. However, there are great benefits to a child being around horses and riding.
According to Horse&Rider, it helps build character, provides excellent exercise, and boosts mental health. Not to mention – horses are just fun companions!

Paisley naturally needs to say sweet dreams to the family’s pony as well. It’s cuteness overload as she gives it a giant hug.
Before heading off to finish the rest of her bedtime routine, Mom reminds Paisley to grab the horse’s bucket. Like a good girl, she picks it up to help put it away.
There’s no doubt that growing up around horses, or frankly having any type of pet, can help teach a child responsibility!
The video is so heartwarming that Paisley’s mom decided to share it with the world.

On ViralHog’s YouTube channel, it says:
“Paisley must say goodnight to all her ponies! She will be two soon and loves her horses Wanda and Nala. This was taken when doing chores when we feed the horses. Paisley loves going around and giving big kisses to her horses and the last pony gets a big hug.”
Just before heading in, Paisley gives the horses one final goodnight, saying, “Night-night, ponies!”

It’s no wonder that the clip has been watched millions of times online with how adorable of an angel she is!
One viewer commented:
“They actually brought their faces up and held still to get their kisses. Tooo sweet.”

It’s so adorable to see Paisley giving each of these horses a tender kiss. It’s all so heart-meltingly sweet.
Check out the video for yourself below!
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