Finally, after five years, Evan finally has a home and a family.
Evan has been in foster care for the past five years and he is very much ready to find his forever family. First featured on Wednesday’s Child in 2020 when he was nine years old, Evan is looking for a “nice and helpful family” who will teach him how to love by loving him.
“I’m going to get a forever family,” Evan said during the 2020 feature.
At that time, his older sister had just been adopted after having been featured on Wednesday’s Child and his caseworker, Emmanuel Harris, hoped the same for Evan.
Wednesday’s Child is a program by WFAA, a Dallas, Texas-based television station, that features children in foster care looking for their forever home.
Unfortunately, Evan didn’t get adopted right away.
Maybe it was the pandemic and the lockdowns that caused the delay or the right family just wasn’t ready yet. Evan had to spend more time in foster care. But the people who want to see Evan living with his forever family did not give up.
Wednesday’s Child featured Evan, now 10 years old, once again in 2021.
This time, they featured a side of him that they weren’t able to include in 2020. It turns out Evan loves animals. He could talk about animals all day. And his sense of humor is so apparent throughout the entire video.
Evan is no ordinary child though.
He has special needs and will need behavioral therapy. That’s why he needs a family who is ready to commit to him and his needs for the long haul.
Despite that, Evan is still like any other kid who has dreams.
He wants to live with a mom and a dad, a brother, and a sister. Evan also wants to be a construction worker that’s why he needs to learn and love math. He also wants to be baptized because he believes baptism will give him the strength he needs. And he needs the strength to keep trusting God’s plans for him.
It didn’t happen right away but after five years in foster care, Evan has finally been adopted!
His adoptive father, Cliff, said that knew Evan from before when he was working as a paraprofessional at the school Evan attended.
“Evan had a few challenging moments during this school year, and God blessed me with the ability to participate in showing him how to work through those challenging moments and bring that contagious smile of his back to his face,” Cliff recalled.
Then the pandemic hit and Cliff lost track of Evan until his colleague shared the 2021 Wednesday’s Child spotlight with him.
A rush of emotions came through Cliff because it broke his heart that Evan still didn’t have a family. He showed the spotlight to his husband, Cory, who told him they needed to reach out and take Evan, their son, home with them.
Fast forward to October 2022.
In front of the judge, Evan officially became part of his forever family, the McManus family. And do you know what? He got his dream. He had parents, a little sister, AND a little brother.
“As parents, we possess a profound love and immense respect for our son Evan and hope that one day we can be as heroic and resilient as he is,” Cliff shared.
Would you like to meet Evan? Watch the video below.
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