Flying with a baby or toddler can be daunting. They’re unpredictable little creatures most of the time, but put them on an airplane and all bets are off.
No matter how calm and confident a mom happens to be, boarding a plane for a long ride with a wee one can bring on waves of anxiety. One mom was embarking upon a journey with her little boy, his second flight in his short life, and she was nervous about the late flight time coupled with an exhausted toddler.

They were flying Westjet Flight #1221 from Fort Lauderdale at 9:30 p.m. to Toronto, arriving well past midnight. Because their flight was riddled with turbulence, the mom had to leave her sweet little one strapped in his seat instead of snoozing and cuddling with Mom or Grandpa.
When she saw who his seatmate was, Mom was even more concerned.
“The moment I saw you (a big, macho looking guy in probably your late 20s), I was worried that you wouldn’t take kindly to and would be off-put by sitting beside a small child. I was completely wrong, and for that, I am so grateful.”

As the little guy finally fell asleep, he kept dropping his blanket. Over and over again. Instead of frowning with disgust at the tiny dude beside him and the inconveniences he was causing, the man kept leaning down and picking up his blanket.
He also aimed his bright cabin light away from her son. He even offered candy and gum to help the little boy’s ears feel better. And it didn’t stop there.
“Thank you for letting him rest his little tired legs and feet on you. And thank you for offering to get down all of our overhead luggage so he wouldn’t be disturbed. Although my son is generally well behaved and quiet, I was anxious and concerned about how these first departure and arrival flights would go for him. People can be unkind and impatient, especially with small, overtired children.”
This mom was beyond grateful for how this stranger treated her and her little boy. Her fears were allayed all thanks to the kindness of one angel in disguise.
“Thank you for making our flight experience a lesson in compassion and empathy for others. That little boy will grow into a man one day (hopefully like you) and he will get a lot more out of your simple actions than you realize. You will make a wonderful father someday if you so choose.”

The mom shared her adventure in the air with Love What Matters and signed her story “An Anxious Mother.” But all thanks to this strapping guy, those anxieties disappeared when she saw that her son was perfectly fine exactly where he was seated.
Numerous moms commented on “Anxious Mother’s” Facebook post sharing their own stories, like Jamie Christensen Chevalier.
“I’m always struck by how kind men seem to be when I’m flying with my toddler. It’s the men who offer to hold my carry-on while I get situated, who get my overhead bag, who let kiddo play with them, who offer to help open my stroller. Women are kind, but men are helpful.”
Mila also commented, describing this stranger as someone who seems to be “amazing,” “raised properly by his parents” and someone who has a “good heart.”
We’d have to agree! Kudos to this man for recognizing a mom in need of a helping hand and offering it. What a great role model!
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