When you’ve already experienced four pregnancies and labors, then you definitely know what to expect when it’s time to give birth to your fifth child.
At least that’s what young mother Hannah Sheriff from Sherman, Texas, had in mind when she found out she was pregnant with her fifth baby.
After nine months of waiting for him, baby Urias’s time to be born had actually come.

Hannah and her husband, Jacob, were at a Texas hospital waiting for their fifth child to be born, but at some point, the mother realized that something was very wrong.
“I looked up at my nurse and I said, ‘I’m not OK,’” Hannah told the Christian Broadcasting Network. “I said I felt like I’m going to faint or pass out. The room just began narrowing.”

And, while Jacob did not realize how serious things were, the doctors immediately knew this was an emergency and the woman needed to have a C-section.
“At that moment it became, everybody jump on and let’s go,” said Dr. Kinion Whittington, Hannah’s OB-GYN physician. “We got a big-time emergency.”
When the woman’s uterus was opened up, all doctors could see was blood everywhere. She had suffered a placenta abruption and this meant that both her life and that of her baby were at risk.

The father of the baby only realized how hard things were when he saw that Urias was born without a heartbeat.
“And then I see him come out and he doesn’t look like … I mean, he’s dead,” Jacob said.
Although doctors would normally have performed CPR on the newborn for ten minutes, since after that it’s just considered a “futile effort”, they went on for twenty minutes.

Then, Urias’s heart started beating again, but, sadly, all the time that he had been “dead” had caused serious health problems to him already.
“He had the severe form [of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy], the one that we consider that is at high risk of having long-term delays in terms of development,” Dr. Eduardo Perez, a neonatologist, explained.
While the baby was immediately taken to NICU, Hannah and Jacob were explained what all that Urias had just been through probably meant for his future.

He would probably never be able to walk, talk, or feed himself, and he would likely have cerebral palsy and experience seizures.
Although the couple were devastated by the news, they decided to focus on prayer. They even asked friends and family to pray with them, and a Facebook page was even created dedicated to that.
And, even though nobody expected that, the prayers worked. A miracle happened in the room where Urias was with night nurse Latricia Bell.
“I felt such a warmth,” she said. “Every hair on my body stood up. I knew that I was in the presence of God. He — He was right there, at that moment.”
Urias opened his eyes and from then on his health just kept improving.
He started breathing on his own, and his brain started working perfectly.
The neurologist that examined him one year later said that he was only one of the two cases the doctor had ever seen in which the baby fully recovered.
This was really a miracle.
Watch Urias’s parents and doctors talk about the baby’s unbelievable story in the video below.
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