Truth be told, not every teenage girl is ready to be called “mom.” But that doesn’t mean they don’t care.
Imagine, you are just a young high school student and you discover that you’re pregnant!

This is what exactly happened to Kaleena during a routine check-up with her family doctor.
Stunned by the news, she went home and took two more pregnancy tests, only to confirm the doctor’s diagnosis.
“She had to make some very adult decisions,” said her stepmother, Kirsten Ballard.

When she realized she wasn’t ready to become a mom just yet, Kaleena chose to go for adoption for her unborn child.
“When I first found out that I was pregnant, I knew I didn’t have the life experience to raise a baby, and I wasn’t going to be selfish. So, I decided for adoption,” said Kaleena.
As fate would have it, Kaleena’s choice appeared to be the best when she discovered that a family acquaintance was interested in adopting.
Four months into her pregnancy, she reached out to them, and they finalized the arrangement.

Throughout her pregnancy, she kept the prospective adoptive family informed.
She shared ultrasound images and regular updates.
Kaleena’s commitment to her child’s future went beyond merely selecting an adoptive family; she also took additional steps to guarantee her child’s welfare.
She took the liberty of going into extensive prenatal research, she delved into the benefits of breastfeeding compared to formula feeding.
A home health nurse provided valuable insights and convinced her that breastfeeding was the superior choice for her baby, named Raylie.

“Feeding a baby with breast milk puts them at a considerable advantage. I was determined to provide my baby with the best opportunities for growth, so I committed to pumping and offering her that advantage,” Kaleena told Montgomery Adviser.
She told them her intention- to breastfeed Raylie while they were both still in the hospital.
A mother’s love.

She initially encountered challenges in producing enough milk to meet Raylie’s needs.
However, Kaleena persisted through the physical and emotional strains, she didn’t back down in her commitment to provide the finest nutrition for her daughter.
Her dedication yielded abundant results and filled the adoptive family’s freezer with breast milk.
Unsure of how to manage the surplus, she stored the excess milk in her parents’ freezer.
Eventually, she discovered the option to donate it to babies in the NICU, so she coordinated with a breast milk bank in Colorado.

Meanwhile, the adoptive family maintained a connection with Kaleena.
They continued updating her on Raylie’s life and expressing their desire for her to remain a part of it.
After giving birth, Kaleena enrolled in a dental assistant training program but still managed to stay connected with Raylie and her adoptive family.
They exchanged photos, and videos, and engaged in Facetime calls.
Kaleena shared their sentiments, stating, “They have affirmed that we are now a family.”

Raylie’s adoptive family wants to make sure she will forever be Raylie’s mother and to express gratitude for the life she has provided.
Kaleena even participated in celebrating Raylie’s first birthday with them.
Reflecting on the decision to place Raylie with this family, she shared, “It was the most impactful decision I’ve ever made, and I harbor no regrets about my choice.”

This beautiful story is a testament to a mother’s enduring commitment to securing her child’s well-being.
Learn more in the video below!
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