No one really thinks of the time when they become grandparents. Being a parent, sure. We’ve all thought of finding the love of our life and having kids with them. A big, happy family sounds wonderful! But growing old, white hair and all, watching the children play? Hardly.
And yet one quick search online will give you countless videos of happy grandparents who do nothing but spoil their grandchildren and play with them. They’re done with the whole disciplining part. Grandparents will let the kids get away with anything!

Check out grandpa!
He’s got his eyes fixed on his granddaughter, who in turn is looking up at her grandfather with the most adorable expression on her rosy face. She’s imitating her grandpa! He does a little shoulder dance to which his little counterpart does what looks like a squirm of sorts.

It goes on for awhile and whenever grandpa pauses, she stops too and gives him an expectant look. It’s really the cutest thing ever. One of those moments that automatically bring a smile to your face especially after a long, hard day.
Of course, the comments section are full of praises like this one,
“That’s beautiful bonding, babies copy you when they trust you. How delightful and wonderful.”
She’s right too. Babies are similar to pets in that regard.

Moments like these are timeless. This baby girl is this grandfather’s princess.

Grandparents make for wonderful influences in a child’s life. All those years under their belts provide for wisdom and humor that no one else can provide. Not to mention the fact that it certainly invigorates and refreshes them in their advanced years.

Chances are they feel young again in a way.
And no, grandma and grandpa are never busy when it comes to spending time with the kids. Who’s always willing to take the kids when mom and dad need a vacation? You guessed right. Cookies and toys and TV!

Grandpa here is the same!
This is one interaction that’s so pure and innocent, it’s nothing but pure love. And you can feel it when watching these two. Grandpa’s heart must have been bursting with joy! In fact, both their hearts must have been beating as one.

Imagine all the stories she must have heard from grandpa. He would have shown her old pictures, his hobbies, interests, and a really clear picture of a time long gone. Grandparents have the best stories!
Talk about unconditional love!

There’s also that sense of security with grandpa. He may be old but he’s still a man. Grandfathers are very much gentlemen in their years and they will pass on everything they know and all they have learned for future reference.
She will have grandpa wrapped around her finger and it’s not too far-fetched to say that grandpa might always give her anything she requests. Grandmas always say “yes“, and grandfathers always bring out the money for the treats. And all grandpa had to do was show her a little dance. Little did she know this moment would stay with her for the rest of her life.

Check out this baby’s dance with grandpa in the video below!
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