There’s nothing like a cute baby to brighten anyone’s day. Especially when she says her first word to her Mommy.

Sadie can say she was a star before she even turn one-year-old.
A baby’s first word is a huge milestone in a parent’s life – and we say “a parent’s” because they’re usually the only ones who can decipher the sound. To non-parents, it might not sound like “mama” or “dada” or anything else. But we nod and smile.

Babies start understanding words enough to try and repeat sounds – just syllables, really – between 4 and 10 months of age. We call it “canonical babbling.”
Four to ten months is a big range, but being at the front or tail end of the spectrum doesn’t predict anything about future conversational abilities, despite some parents wanting to think accelerated development means they birthed a genius.
Kids are simply on their own timelines.

Drawing the line between babbling and talking is something people still debate and most of it depends on the context.
Evidence of a “first word” depends on not only the sound a baby makes but also whether they seem to know what it means.
But these are just technicalities. No parent will tell you that getting their baby to repeat “mama” or “dada” is anything less than a first word and complete linguistic victory – and that’s fine.
But when they can point at “mama” or “dada” while saying it or attempt to make something happen when they say a word, then the rest of us will believe it.

In the video in question, Sadie is 7 months old, so she knows some sounds and can comprehend certain words she hears often.
All mom is trying to get her to do is repeat the word “mommy”- although that’s a tall order since it’s two different syllables (mama usually comes first since it’s a repetition of the same syllable).

And we know you’re dying to find out if Sadie actually says it.
The answer is….well, kind of.
She does her best to repeat it. And it does kind of sound like “mama.”
Of course, mom is happy. Thrilled even. Sadie gets full credit, even if she has no idea what she did right.

It’s a very sweet moment and it’s hard not to be happy for mom, who has no doubt spent many sleepless and thankless days and nights with Sadie as the center of her universe.
She deserves to hear her name!
Of course, it’s natural for Sadie to need a few more months before she knows what these syllables can really do. But this is still an accomplishment.

Parents of infants who don’t try to emulate words before 12 months often worry about their development. But there are plenty of kids on a delayed timeline who talk their parents’ ears off years later.
Be sure to scroll down below to see Sadie’s video below and her adorable “first word” to her Mommy!
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