It’s an experience we’ve all had. Every one of us sooner or later has been kept up by someone else’s incessant snoring. If you don’t have any memories of being kept awake like this, then hey, you might be the snorer! We snore when relaxed tissues in our throats vibrate when we breathe past them, and it’s perfectly normal to do.
Some people however take snoring to a whole new level.

As it turns out, you don’t have to be fully grown or grown at all to be deeply disturbed by snores.
This wee baby by the name of Amelia is about to learn a valuable lesson about the sleeping habits of all people. And unfortunately for her, she’s going to learn it the hard way.

This “sleeping beauty” is Olivia.
To snore is human, and those who are the culprits of the most sonorous snores can crop up anywhere. It’s no shock then, that someone who would contribute the most to the orchestra of snores would be the exhausted mother of a baby.

Amelia must be keeping Olivia up herself!
It’s no secret that parenting is not for the faint of heart. Judging by the depth of Olivia’s sleep, it certainly looks as if Amelia spends her nights doing what all babies do best… making sure her parents don’t get a wink of sleep. Well, now it seems the tables have turned, and by the look on Amelia’s face, she was not expecting this.

The look back to the camera says it all.
Who needs mockumentary shows like The Office, or Parks and Rec, for hilarious looks back to the camera when you can film your funny baby’s reactions.

Now that’s what I call a double take!
You can see how little Amelia is thinking “What the heck is all that noise about?”. Well, this may be one of those lessons you learn early on, especially when you’ve got a honking snorer in the family.

That look in her eyes.
Her eyes are like saucers as she looks back at Daddy filming. Back and forth she looks. If you were to speed up the footage, it’s even funnier. I recommend playing the video at double speed to make it even more hilarious.

This baby will never be the same.
This may be a truly pivotal moment for this young lady. It seems in her eyes as if this moment will stick with her forever. Well, maybe that’s a good thing, and maybe she’ll have a greater appreciation for just how exhausted her parents are.

Watch the video below to enjoy this baby’s hilarious reactions!
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