Baby girl recognizes aunt on FaceTime and starts telling her all about her day
This is so sweet!
D.G. Sciortino

There’s nothing an aunt loves more than her niece or nephew.

Except perhaps maybe their own children, if they had them, but that’s debatable.

“From the moment we hold them in our arms and smell their precious heads, most aunts feel an incredible connection with our newborn nieces and nephews. Some have said they couldn’t love the baby more if he or she were their own child,” website AuntieSavvy writes.

There could actually be a scientific reason for this.

It may be that sweet newborn smell that we’re addicted to.

Researchers believe that the newborn smell creates an instantaneous bond in all women and men, whether they are parents or not.

The smell activates a reward-related part of the brain and gives sniffers a natural high.

It’s actually a safety mechanism so people don’t freak out from the difficulty of having a newborn.

“As anyone with a baby knows, newborns are not too much fun to be around,” physician Johannes Frasnelli, an anatomy professor at the University of Quebec, tells The Cut.–_z8lN5MFygo-MTZ3SYoZPzCTcsdQfmCYcQvDLD7YgL-tHeRCYyLzK-P4vD235f_vVSgM-yP-qhg4Sm1sf2R01pzKYQVNeoCtdfsOWg6jfn_Mlh5zPqo3StZyDCZEPcDeE11beBALZM4t/1245157382184015/?opaqueCursor=AboJKMj6OsqTT8K2_lq9KqsJ8OOuGSS5WK9z0pyCNkVVteSUunvuA0jV3zZX3vzNH6CRA2njHfI8wtxLM9oCNWqrlPjZ-wR2VKFZSeMijQoh6241YdzjhbynNmp5qH5MjWma_pe1yaLSM8jXQp_2q3zKfe3dJyb_hMIzVeImImWYVmNW3sjBmUZTtOt1gLVqdZVnUDMeQi2YcwZ97Io-Tp57Kadq8oO9_TrhakYUaThxzOceKifyz_IF2RzpTXmkYRE-uO1IMTDU3dlzZ24Alh1ibzWLkh4h3I4A3nJIk-gAKWK_9JQ3iYZoICKUVRap-H7HkLsEHDXCu_1T1cjuz7AjMb3dONi01RcbRd0kcdSFQk45xcfIqbXJYyvYcyssJGgFqlIdcMqSPeZBjHfNXi4kmVH_AztlSrjA7QNp7XaYdG19W0j0mM1-5an3yCs2CzgOPqaeoPnqDl6nYG1r6k7q35YON4CqnDGfLkuwyHk__nV4ewpLindG9f8TSyDrx78PrTJD90dBc3IXAvhdzcss

“They sleep, eat, and make you change the diapers. Still, most if not all parents say that having a baby is one of the greatest experiences. So, of course, there must be mechanisms which allow for a very strong bond between parents, especially mothers, and the baby. We think that the odor of babies is involved in one of these mechanisms” — that babies draw in parents with their scent to ensure they’re kept fed, warm, and safe.”

Rumble Viral - YouTube
Rumble Viral - YouTube

That’s why the aunt in the video below loves every minute she gets to spend with her niece Aria.

She even spent an entire month with her when she was born.

So, the bond between auntie and Aria was very strong.

Rumble Viral - YouTube
Rumble Viral - YouTube

The baby could easily recognize her auntie, even through the phone on FaceTime.

Auntie gushed, “I love you, I love you” to the cute baby face on the other end of the phone and got a surprising response.

Aria just started gabbing away and chatting her auntie up.

Rumble Viral - YouTube
Rumble Viral - YouTube

The baby looked like she was having a full-blown conversation with her aunt.

And she sure had a lot to say.

It just came out in a bunch of “oohs” and “ahhs.”

Rumble Viral - YouTube
Rumble Viral - YouTube

She looked so adorable trying to form words with her mouth

They were totally dishing.

“Wow, you did all that today,” her auntie asked.

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Rumble Viral - YouTube

She was wide-eyed and very interested in telling her auntie about what was going on. And her aunt loved every minute of it. So did the internet!

“A baby’s coo is the most innocent and precious sound in all of creation,” one YouTuber wrote.

“Aria has got a lot to say to her auntie. They’re catching up on the latest gossip. Lol!” said another.

“This vid will turn all frowns into smiles. My heart is so warm after watching this!” and another.

Check out this cutie prattling in the video below.

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