We really do feel the music when it plays. And babies feel it so hard that sometimes they can’t stop trying to catch the beat.
That was certainly the case for one tot named Sadie Raye, whose mom recorded multiple videos of her little girl hip-shaking and twisting her way through the family’s pop favorites.

These clips of this little baby dancing are a must-see!
1-year-old Sadie stole the hearts of internet users everywhere with her precious and funky dance moves
Her mother, Kaylan, posted videos of the adorable toddler cutting a rug that recently went viral. Not only is it the cutest thing ever, but the baby has incredible rhythm and isn’t scared to show it.

In the first part of the video, baby Sadie danced to “Two Legit To Quit” by MC Hammer with her pacifier still dangling from her mouth. She shakes her mini hips to the classic song, before bouncing her tiny hand to go along with the music.
The video switches to Sadie standing at her highchair with her back to the camera, this time it’s ’80s music but that doesn’t phase her.

When the video changes, Sadie grooves out to a popular song from the ’80s.
She held on to her high chair and proceeds to shake her little ‘bonbon’ perfectly on cue with the music. This had me bursting at the seams in laughter, the 1-year-old is such a good dancer for her age.
In the next video, Sadie evolves her dance moves to create some extra flare.

Some new school rap starts playing and a smile immediately illuminates the young girl’s face. This time she adds some shoulder and arm movements, along with her signature hip-shaking.
Sadie even puts her hand out like a true diva, her tongue also flops out as if it’s part of her routine. I can’t handle this, it’s just too darn adorable!
Next is ‘Be My Lover’ by La Bouche, Sadie shakes her whole body right on beat with the song.

Standing at her high chair again, her back is turned but this time she wiggles every limb and muscle on her body. Even with her back turned, she’s got such a big smile you can see her cheeks puffed up from behind.
When ‘Mr. Postman’ from the ’60s comes on, Sadie gives us one grand finale dance.
The last song she dances to is an older one, but the natural-born dancer could dance to anything! This time she’s giving us the whole show. The 1-year-old shakes her body while using her arms to express herself. Sadie even adds a spin move during the last little segment of her stellar dancing.

It’s no surprise that Sadie went viral, the jovial little baby has all the best moves.
Now the video has been viewed nearly 7 million times on Good Morning America’s YouTube page!

Keep an eye out for Sadie in the future – she was born to be a star.
To see the adorable baby dancing for yourself, scroll down to watch the video below!
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