A single smile can make your day.
Especially when it’s a baby as adorable as this one.
This little burrito was all snug and warm in her crib when mom walks over and unwraps her covers much to her delight. Look at her smile!
Her big blue eyes look up expectantly and once free, she stretches her tiny little arms as far as they can go.
This is too cute not to be shared. It doesn’t matter what kind of day you’re having, this baby burrito can smile all your cares away. Her eyes are so beautiful!
Li Shengshun commented,
“I’m sorry but this amount of cute is illegal.”
It’s the illegal stuff that’s always fun though.
Why are babies swaddled? Healthline says,
“For 40 weeks (give or take), your baby had a safe, warm home inside your womb — and now they must adjust to the outside world. It’s a jarring experience for a newborn, to say the least. And as the person they rely on for everything, you want to make this transition as peaceful as possible — which is why you might swaddle your baby. Swaddling involves snuggly wrapping your baby’s body with a blanket or a swaddling product. The purpose is simple: to give your baby comfort and security as they ease into the world.”
And once babies are adults, they start looking for blankets for that same comforting feeling.
For others, it’s in the arms of a loved one. So really, we never outgrow that “swaddled” feeling.
This little one does know how to look pretty for the camera. She may very well be a future model.
Babies are just begging to be squished when wrapped tightly though.
Those plump, rosy cheeks and a head that smells of all the lovely things on this planet deserve lots of kisses!
Notice how she’s already watching her mom walk towards her? It’s like she couldn’t wait to be freed of her layers.
She gives mom the sweetest teasing smile even before she’s unwrapped!
This pretty princess seems to give a little wink before mom opens her up, to which she responds with wide eyed cuteness.
Joyce Randall shared the same setiments,
“I love when her eyes are just showing and she has the cutest look on her face when you unwrap her. Just adorable.”
Even the baddest, toughest muscle bound man would melt in this little one’s eyes.
Moms and dads will agree that it’s touch caring for a newborn. All those near sleepless nights, cleaning up the mess, and the expenses would normally drive any person crazy.
Love for your little one is the driving force. And seeing them look up at you and smile makes it all worth it.
That’s a real smile too! This little one is responding to mom’s every move. Of course mom was smiling behind that camera. Swaddle or not, this beautiful baby’s got smiles for everyone.
Get ready for your heart to melt watching this little one below!
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