Having a baby is a huge deal and some women realize they’re not ready to be mothers. A short time after giving birth, one young lady decided to drop her infant daughter off at the Orange County fire station.
No one likes to think these things actually happen, but luckily this story has a happy ending.

When this baby — named Naomi — was given up, she was taken in by four firefighters who instantly gave her so much love and care. It is such a miracle that her mother was brave enough to get help, because baby Naomi got all of the help she needed.

Naomi’s mother told Capt. Daryll Milliot that she needed to give him her baby and he took her in right away. According to CBS Los Angeles, she was the first baby to be safely surrendered at a fire station in Orange County that year.
Along with Milliot, three other firefighters who were on duty helped — Tyler Green, Michael de Leon and Shawn Stacy.
“The first thing that comes to your mind is, ‘How can you surrender your baby?’ But then, when you really think about what happened, It’s really heroic and brave to do it,” de Leon said to NBC 4.

She immediately stole their hearts.
A California social worker was on their way to receive Naomi but before their arrival, the four firemen totally fell in love with the sweet baby girl.
While they temporarily had her, they named her and even coined themselves as her uncles. In the end, they just wanted to remain composed and professional and do whatever they needed to do in the naturally tough situation.

It is a sad situation, but Naomi couldn’t have been in better hands. And luckily, there is a happy ending!
She soon moved in with her two lovely new parents, Krysten and Kurt Snyder, who also gave her an older brother. And of course, she still has her four firefighter uncles.

After the incident, the firefighters were still reminiscing about the moment.
“This is one of the few things in my 25 years of being a fireman that it’s just the greatest ending of the story,” Milliot said.
Naomi’s mother brought her back to the fire department for a little reunion nine months after the incident occurred.

“This is so unique and rare, it’s something I never really thought that I would do,” Milliot said to CBS Los Angeles.
The Orange County authority crew who took care of her are still part of the baby’s life and even attended the adoption ceremony.

“It’s one of the highlights of my career by far,” de Leon shared. “Going to that ceremony and getting to see her again… ‘Cause you know, when it happens, you don’t really know what’s going to happen to the baby.”
“It really is a great opportunity for us to tell her about her mom and what a courageous thing she did,” Naomi’s mother said with pride and gratitude. She and her husband had always planned on adopting rather than having her own children.

Despite the fact that nearly a year had gone by, it’s sweet to see how little Naomi was still able to make the firefighters’ hearts melt. Surely they’ll always be in her corner!
Watch the video below to see the touching reunion for yourself!
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