Family Fun
Baby Girl Has Mommy In Laugher With Her “Kiss Attack”
She really means business, lol.
Eduardo Gaskell

What’s the difference between a baby and a puppy?

Nothing much, apparently. Well at least in this video. See, they both need to be constantly with mom for milk and protection. They have moods that switch from fear, to timid, to just plain happy and silly. And what happens when they’re happy and silly? They slobber all over you of course!


Such a pretty baby!

This adorable little girl is out on the balcony spending the day with mom and naturally, there is a camera focused on her. Capturing baby moments on video is always a great way to pass the time.

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Turn the volume up for this one!

The little darling is making those cute little baby noises.She’s obviously in a great mood judging by the way she’s all over her mom. Someone’s wide awake!

Remember that sound she made? Well mom goes,

“You slobbered all over me!”

With an emphatic backhand wipe on her face too.

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What does her very energetic little darling do in response? She attacks her mom’s face with lots and lots of kisses. If by kisses, she means slobbering, then yes. She buries her face on mom’s cheek too!

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Listen to her exert herself!

It’s both adorable and hilarious. Even mom can’t stop laughing at her baby girl’s display of affection. The round mound of loving grunts and squeals as she slobbers all over her mother with sloppy kisses.

Mom tries to move her face just a little bit but her little one stands on her stubby legs and tries to slobber all over the other side of her mother’s face. The baby even swings her head back and forth as if in protest of mom’s movement.

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Baby grunts!

It even looks like she’s grabbed her mom by the collar! She goes on kissing mom but this time getting very vocal about it. To be honest, it doesn’t even look like a kiss anymore. Little miss slobber has her mouth open as if trying to eat the entire left side of mom’s face.

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So her name’s Lucia!

Well this tiny power of slobber certainly knows how to show her love. And she could care less who’s around. Then again, to be on the receiving end of a baby’s affection is truly a priceless moment. It shows how much they trust you. Of course they love you!

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Look at that face!

Now babies will try to put anything in their mouths. It’s a funny fact that cannot be changed. As for eating someone’s face? It’s down to many reasons. This baby could be mimicking someone whom she saw kiss her mom. Or maybe when mom kisses her. You get it.

It’s a developmental milestone in a sense.

It’s a way of socializing. Also, it triggers their senses because, well babies. It’s probably a new sensation for them which means it feels cool for the little one. It’s also a funny sensation for mom, but there they are.

At least we know little Lucia is not one to shy away from showing mom how much she appreciates her. Someday, she’ll learn how to really kiss mom on the cheek. But for now, maybe get a fries and shake with that.

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Check out Lucia’s slobber attack in the video below!

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