Family Fun
Bullied little boy sobs uncontrollably at sight of gift grandparents bought him to lift his spirits
Even I struggled to keep it together. 😭
Cedric Jackson

Bullying is a very real problem. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, one out of every five students has reported being the subject of bullying. Although this is often seen in middle and high school, it’s also become a big issue among younger children.

All adults need to know the signs of bullying. It’s only if they get involved that change can occur. Especially when it comes to younger kids, they depend on adults to help them through one of the most difficult times in their lives.

Not a laughing matter

Whether bullying involves name-calling, physical violence, spreading rumors, or even stalking online, it’s never okay. This has become such a huge problem that sadly, some kids have taken their lives. As parents and educators, it’s important to learn the different signs of bullying since it’s common for kids to feel too embarrassed to say something or to ask for help, or perhaps they’ve been threatened to remain quiet.

Unsplash/Katie Gerrard
Unsplash/Katie Gerrard

One little boy’s story

Unfortunately, even small kids as young as five and six get bullied. That’s the story of one little boy. While at school, other kids picked on him for no reason whatsoever.

Facebook/Chicken Soup for the Soul
Facebook/Chicken Soup for the Soul

Struggling to be accepted

This boy is adorable yet other kids felt that bullying him was somehow right… they were just being mean. As hard as he tried to endure their words and actions, it became increasingly difficult for him. Like so many others who’ve been bullied, he felt sad and confused.

Unsplash/Rahom Sofri
Unsplash/Rahom Sofri

Trying to help

As you can imagine, his parents were distraught. They did everything in their power to make the situation better. And while it helped to some degree, their little boy still felt bullied and isolated.

Unsplash/Haley Phelps
Unsplash/Haley Phelps

A great idea

Talking things over, the boy’s grandparents came up with a brilliant idea. They wanted to do something that would help lift their child’s spirits. Although they mulled over several options, they finally settled on a perfect solution.

Pexels/Anete Lusina
Pexels/Anete Lusina

The best surprise

Of course, they didn’t want to tell their grandson about the upcoming surprise. Instead, they wanted to present it to him so he’d have a memory to reflect on for the rest of his life. After returning home from school one day, they gave him the best gift ever.

YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos
YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos

It’s a puppy

As you know, dogs don’t judge. Instead, they love unconditionally, which is just one of many reasons they make great pets. Not only would this boy have a puppy to play and snuggle with but also a constant companion for many years to come.

Unsplash/Poodles 2Doodles1
Unsplash/Poodles 2Doodles1

His priceless reaction

The fact that these parents got their son a puppy was fantastic. But the best part… when they handed the little pup to him. That’s when you see his reaction, which is priceless, complete with tears of joy.

YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos
YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos

Viral video

This boy’s story combined with how he reacted to getting a puppy has won the hearts of millions of people around the world. You see, the video was posted on social media. It didn’t take long for it to go viral with more than 5.4 million views so far.

YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos
YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos

A lesson for everyone

This video serves as a reminder to everyone how something so simple as a new puppy can completely turn a bullied child’s life around. If you have a child who’s been bullied, don’t hesitate to take action. Speak with the school officials and if necessary, get law enforcement involved.

YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos
YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos

We all love a feel-good story and this is one of those. So, if you need something to brighten your day or you just want to watch as everything unfolds, check it out.

Simply click on the video below and you can see for yourself just how happy a new puppy made this sweet boy.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube, Facebook, YouTube, Metro
