It’s common for people to take the same route to work. But for Milwaukee resident Gene Hubbard, following the same bus route was extra important – and he had been doing so for over 20 years.
Since Gene is blind, having a familiar route to and from work is essential.

Then one day, a challenge arose.
When construction blocked his route home it was the bus driver that came to his rescue. The bus driver, Thaddeus Turner, knew it was more important to help Gene across the street than to get going to be on schedule.
Thaddeus Turner’s act of kindness did not go unseen and quickly went viral.

Thaddeus “Thad” Turner was covering a shift for another bus driver when he met Gene Hubbard. When Thad made it to Gene’s stop he saw the construction blocked Gene’s way. Gene explained to Fox 6,

“If I don’t have a regular locating point to start from, I may as well be in the middle of the ocean.”
Without hesitation, Thad parked the bus in the middle of the street and helped guide Gene across the construction zone.

Thad knew he would create traffic by his actions, but knew helping Gene was more important.
The construction zone only had a two-way street. So, when Thad parked the bus all the cars behind him were forced to stop as well. He was nervous about the traffic but he was worrying for no reason. One of the cars that were stopped from Gene and Thad walking across the street took a picture of the act of kindness to share on social media.

The picture quickly went viral. Thaddeus employer, MCTS, added their own video recording, from inside the bus, to highlight Thaddeus’ kind actions. Thad and Gene were interviewed by their local news, Fox 6. Gene wanted everyone to know that this type of kindness is not unusual for Milwaukee bus drivers. As a seasoned bus passenger, he has been helped by many bus drivers over the years.
“I just can’t say enough about all the bus drivers,” Hubbard told Fox 6.

Thad was surprised that his actions were newsworthy.
If Thad was surprised by his local news taking an interest, he must have been shocked when it gained national attention. Thad is naturally a kind person and did not see it as a big deal to help a fellow citizen.
Thad told CNN, “I was surprised when I saw it in the news … I didn’t think I would be here right now over something that is second nature to me, and my colleagues.”
Thad might be surprised he has gone viral but he should not be. Everyone loves to see kindness in the world. There is too much pain and sadness. So, seeing Thad help Gene across the street without hesitation is refreshing to watch. It is kind people, such as Thad, that helps everybody still believe in kindness and humanity.
Thank you, Thad, and you deserve all the recognition you have received.

Many have commented, to let Thad know their own opinion about him. Such as,
“Not all heroes wear capes”
“He is an amazing bus driver and an amazing person”
“This is why you should always thank the bus driverā¤”

It’s no wonder this story is warming the internet’s heart! Press play on the video below to see the sweet footage for yourself.
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