Cat Looks In Mirror And Discovers She Has Ears
This is one funny cat.
Eduardo Gaskell

Cats and dogs have provided online users with an endless supply of hilarious videos with their many antics. Whether you are a dog person or a cat person, both personas have given us many laughs over the years. And there won’t be an end to this.

Check out this curious cat. She just made a startling discovery… about herself.

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Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the… Wait a minute.

They say curiosity killed the cat, but not this one. If anything, she’s never felt more alive. Her name is Mimo and with all her nine lives it is only now that she’s noticed two pointy looking things sticking out from both sides of her furry head.

With a large bedroom mirror hanging above the dresser, Mimo decided to have a moment of vanity. She gets up on her hind legs to have a closer look but then seems rather confused. Mimo, those are ears! Your ears!

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Mimo’s Brooklyn owner had a camera ready and the timing couldn’t be more perfect.

She begins to investigate this new mystery. Mimo raises a paw and starts stroking her ear all the while watching and probably admiring herself in the mirror. All the clues are there but this kitty can’t seem to put two and two together!

Viewers chimed in,

“I’m convinced that a human magically got placed into a cat’s body and is now on an adventure to figure out how to return to his/her original body. Meanwhile a human somewhere is randomly pushing everything off of desks.”

That’s a little bit of Freaky Friday if it is.

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This could be a good script for a movie.

Mimo is a Scottish Straight. She lives with her family in Brooklyn, New York. This cat is quite the internet sensation. She has her own Instagram page and has more than 7.4k followers. Human followers.

She has admirers and fans hence her need to look in mirrors. You never know when you might get recognized!


For all her fame and followers, Mimo doesn’t seem to thrilled to be on camera.

Or it might be because she’s trying to figure out what those things on her head are for. She really made the news as even Ellen DeGeneres saw the amusing video and shared it during Cat Week. You made it, Mimo!

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Even Ellen thought Mimo was a human that got stuck in a cat’s body and was lost and confused.

There is such a thing as “mirror self-awareness” but not all animals have it. Scientists developed an experiment in 1970 called the “Mirror sel-awareness test” or the MSR. They would put a colored mark on an animal and see if it would try to touch that area when looking at their reflection.

Only a few animals passed. Great apes, bottlenose dolphins, elephants, magpies, and orcas. Cats? Not even. Which is why Mimo is somewhat special.


Her owner created this hilarious meme as a result.

She might be just curious as to what her ears are supposed to be or actually a human soul trapped in a cat’s body. Whatever the case, this moment just added to her fame.

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Imagine if Mimo saw the Mirror of Erised from Harry Potter.


Check out the curious case of Mimo’s ears by clicking on the video below.

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Source: YouTube, Mimo
