The lovely couple Cole and Jordan Dickerson have always dreamt of a big family ever since they fell in love, and they had always considered adoption because they knew that there were children out there in need of a loving home and a caring family.

The story of the little boy Jeremiah is certainly a special one. Not only was he adopted by the Dickersons but he also found out that he was going to be a big brother on the same day!
Cole and Jordan first met Jeremiah at the hospital. Jordan works there and noticed that the poor boy didn’t have a family that cared for him, and had no place to call home.

“My wife Jordan works at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. One day she told me there is the cutest little boy there right now. She said he’s only there because he doesn’t have a family to take care of him. It was only a couple of weeks later when I got a text while I was at work that said, ‘Babe, will you seriously pray and think about something?!’ Immediately my heart pounds because I knew this must be something serious on her heart,” husband Cole wrote on LoveWhatMatters.
They have always considered adopting, but it looked like the adoption for Jeremiah wouldn’t come through at first, even though the three of them felt super comfortable together and have already built up such an incredibly warm bond.

“We both had talked about how passionate we were about adopting and desired to do it one day. We talked, prayed, and decided to begin the foster parent classes that were required by the organization he was involved with. We talked with DCS and it seemed nearly impossible to begin the foster-to-adopt process for a specific child that you’re not yet related to. It would have to take a miracle… the rest of the story is nothing short of just that.”
The hope that they would be able to take Jeremiah hope started to dwindle as a foster family was assigned to look after little Jeremiah.

“During the process, another couple came and began fostering him which totally hit us hard emotionally because we had made a connection with him already. We were disappointed and upset but decided to continue the classes to be future foster parents and true parents to a child someday…”

However, a couple of weeks later they receive a phone call that would change their lives.
The chances of adopting Jeremiah suddenly went through the roof again.

“Two weeks later, while we were on our 1-year anniversary trip, someone from Jordan’s work called and told her Jeremiah had been brought back to the hospital for medical reasons and the couple was not going to be able to continue caring for him for their own reasons. We immediately busted out in tears and knew this was the work of God that we would one day be a family.”

“When we got back from our trip, his social worker wanted to meet Jordan at Le Bonheur to make sure we were serious about fostering to adopt. After going through legal, medical and fostering classes, we were finally able to bring our boy home in June 2017.”
A couple of weeks before the adoption was official, little Jeremiah made a prediction that shocked everyone.

“Back up to April 2018, Jeremiah was praying one night. He said, ‘Thank you God for God, for Jesus, for my Mommy and Daddy, and my baby sister in a couple of weeks, Amen.’ We looked at each other like, ‘What did he just say?! Not really how it works, bud.'”
“Just a couple of weeks later is when we surprisingly found out Jeremiah was going to be having a baby brother or sister! Fast forward to today, HE WAS RIGHT ABOUT THE BABY SISTER! We just found out yesterday!”

“The Miracle Worker continues to do work, and we’re so thankful to be a family.”
In other words, Cole and Jordan not only officially welcomed Jeremiah into the home, but they also found out that they were having a girl on the same day.

Just take a look at the smiles on these three amazing and happy people, with a fourth smile on the way!
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