Premature babies are real fighters. They are brought into this world earlier than they should, and this doesn’t come without difficulties.

These babies most of the time have still under-developed breathing systems, while they are also underweight and so fragile. They bravely fight to grow up into healthy babies, while doctors do their best to provide the best care for them.
At the same time, parents and family are heartbroken to see their little bundle of joy suffer so much, even from their first moments in this world.

Thankfully, many of these premies make it out of the hospital healthy and strong, filling their parents’ hearts with relief and happiness.
One of those premature babies was little Gianni, who was born six weeks early and had to spend 50 days in the NICU.
There were issues with his swallowing and breathing, so doctors had to take extra care of him.

Little Gianni also had bradycardia spells during his stay at the hospital, meaning that his heart rate dropped, and doctors had told his parents that he had to go a full week without any spells to be allowed home.
That’s when the baby’s mom, Ines, decided that she’d stop informing her parents of how the spells were going, and she’d just hope for the best. This way nobody could know when to expect Gianni out of the NICU.

After 50 stressful days of ups and downs, doctors finally gave Sandro and Ines Lavalle the green light to take their baby home.
The parents couldn’t be happier, and they wanted to share the exciting news with Gianni’s grandparents.
But they had an idea. They would surprise the two couples with baby Gianni and film their reactions, since they didn’t know they were already out of the hospital.

Indeed, they went to their parents’ homes in Ontario, Toronto, Canada. What followed was a mix of exclamations of surprise, happy faces, and some tears of joy!
No one really expects to open their door and find a car seat with a baby strapped in it, but that’s exactly what happened.
Sandro and Ines first took Gianni to her parents’ home. When Gianni and Marianna saw their grandson they couldn’t hold back their excitement.

They couldn’t believe that the baby was finally with them ready to see the world. Given that this was their first grandchild, their anticipation was even greater. Having him there, right in front of them, gave them immense joy.
Ines confessed that she thought her dad would pass out. He didn’t!

Then, it was Sandro’s parents’ turn to meet baby Gianni.
When Renato and Bernardina saw the baby in his little car seat, they were shocked. Bernardina appeared with curlers in her hair, making the whole thing even more surreal!
The grandparents couldn’t take their eyes off of their beloved grandson, and they couldn’t stop asking about his health and release from the hospital.

What an amazing surprise for these lovely grandparents.
Make sure you watch their heartwarming reactions in the video below!
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