Every parent knows the first couple of years of the baby’s life one needs to be very patient and cry-resistant.
In other words, parents need to be prepared that their babies will cry for various reasons- and at times for no reason. Whether they’re wet, hungry, stressed, uncomfortable, irritated, or just want to get your attention, babies have no other means to express themselves than crying.

And, luckily, most times it’s easy to identify what’s wrong with them and answer their needs. Especially if you’re an experienced parent, you can easily recognize the hungry cry, the I’m-sick cry and the look-at-me-now cry.
But sometimes, you just can’t do anything to comfort them, they’ll just go on and on crying for no obvious reason and it’s possible you find yourself in a situation where you don’t know how to handle them.
And that’s when tricks come into play.

One of those tricks is music. Scientists have found that music calms babies down more effectively and for more time than plain talking.
A recent study carried out by the University of Montreal, showed that babies that listened to songs remained calm for twice as long as babies that listened to speech.
Now, in the video that follows, a baby girl proves the research right, by reacting to a Katy Perry song the way she does.

The sweet girl at the beginning of the video cries and whimpers for no obvious reason.
Of course, if she was hungry, wet, or sick her parents would have known and acted accordingly instead of filming her. But, no. She’s perfectly fine, she’s just in the mood for nagging.
And then, things magically change when her parents put “Dark Horse” by Katy Perry on the radio.
The baby’s face instantly changes and her expression kind of says “oohhh”! She’s super excited and she can’t contain her joy.

She then starts moving arms and legs as if dancing to the song, and then she nods- which is hilariously well-timed with the “aha” that is heard in the intro of the song.
And then, when Katy Perry starts singing, the baby starts laughing and dancing- as much as she can, given she’s tied in her car seat.
But why would a baby even like Katy Perry- or any similar pop singers for that matter? Aren’t babies supposed to calm down when they listen to classical music?

Well, actually, not necessarily.
Scientists have concluded that babies tend to like and calm down when they listen to music that their mother listened to when she was pregnant with them.
“Studies have shown that infants recognize and prefer music they heard while in the womb as compared to unfamiliar music,” explains Lisa Huisman Koops, associate professor of music education at Case Western Reserve University.
So as far as we understand, this mama was a Katy Perry fan long before this video was filmed!

Of course, this is not the only viral video of a baby calming with pop music. There have been other instances, too, in which babies loved listening to Selena Gomez or Taylor Swift, and the Internet has loved all of them!
Below, you can see for yourself what a great effect “Dark Horse” has on this baby’s mood and we bet you will enjoy it!
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