We all know kids can be pretty stubborn – especially when they’re little.
And once you engage in an argument with them, there’s no telling who will “win”!
When Gareth Roe caught his 15-month-old child, Lola, standing on a table, he immediately told her to get down.

Unfortunately, Lola wasn’t cool with being told what to do. At her age, she felt like she was old enough to decide for herself.
She was going to win the argument no matter what!

Despite not being able to talk properly yet, she gave a very impassioned defense.
Her words weren’t clear but her voice was strong enough to show that she wasn’t letting her dad win. Each time her dad told her to move away from the table, she staunchly refused.

Based on her actions, she was refusing to follow her father’s order because she had a better view of the screen in that spot.
Feeling frustrated that her father couldn’t get her point – she threw her hands in the air.
However, it wasn’t a sign of surrender. In fact, she continued reasoning with her father.

Gareth had to do something to end it.
He had no choice but to physically pick up his daughter and move her away from the table.

Lola is quite an intelligent girl. Each time she senses a change in the tone of her dad’s voice, she’ll automatically prepare her defense.
Dad shared:
“She’ll sense the tone in my voice and challenge me if she thinks she can win; a little too clever!”
The argument wasn’t supposed to be recorded, but Lola’s mom sensed that it was going to be hilarious – so she immediately started recording.
“Lola climbed onto the TV stand to pull the clothes from the clothesline and I caught her in the act. We often play-fight, and had been going at it for a few minutes before Aimée [Lola’s mom] picked up her phone and started to record us,” dad recalled.

While the argument looked funny, it may be a sign of the bigger things to come for dad.
It’s normal for kids to argue with their parents from time to time. It’s one way for them to display their power, particularly active power.
And a parent should let their child argue…occasionally. It’s a skill we all have to learn.
But engaging for too long will only push your buttons and encourage your child’s behavior.
As much as possible, make it clear that you’ll no longer engage in lengthy explanations and arguments. Walk away and be clear with your expectations. Just tell your kid what you want him to do, when to do it, and the consequences of not doing it.

In Lola’s case, dad did what was right. After she didn’t follow his orders, he picked her up and showed her that he’s no longer interested in hearing her side.
Of course, Lola was too young to understand what happened and that’s alright. Sooner or later, she’ll know that standing on a table by herself isn’t safe for her age.
Be sure to scroll down below to watch the drama unfold.
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