Parents always want the best for their kids, but sometimes, that means preventing them from having what they want. That’s especially true when their children are young and inexperienced. When it comes to daughters, fathers can get pretty overprotective…mostly when it pertains to boys.
All dads want to make sure their daughters don’t end up with a jerk. And since they know the way some guys act, they don’t even want their daughters dating. Regardless of what a dad thinks, that’s a conversation that’s going to come up at some point. Usually, it’s when they’re teenagers but sometimes, it happens a little bit younger.
John Tierney had this talk early
John Tierney is the dad to his four-year-old daughter Grace. He probably didn’t think he’d have to start talking about dating for years. But while in the car one day, she said something that threw him off.

Grace wanted to start dating
At just four years old, she’s quite a few years before she reaches the point of being able to date. But just in case, her dad wanted to set down the rules early. So, he turned on his camera and explained the situation to his little girl.

The video has received tons of views
After posting the video online, it’s already become popular on the internet because it’s just so funny. To date, it’s been viewed over 30 million times. People just can’t get enough of Tierney and his adorable daughter.

The toddler spoke up
In the video, Grace is riding in the back seat of the car. All of a sudden, she speaks up. She tells her dad she wants a boyfriend.

Dad’s not having it
Of course, Tierney isn’t a fan of the idea. He tells her she can’t have a boyfriend…ever. But that doesn’t go over well with Grace. She has her own idea about the situation.

Asserting her independence
You can already tell Grace is going to grow up to be quite independent because of what she says to her dad next. She tells him, “Daddy, I’ll get a boyfriend if I want to get a boyfriend.” Since she’s so young, it looks even funnier than it sounds.

Dad has a good comeback
But her dad’s not going to have any of that nonsense. He responds with, “Daddy will break his legs.” Her future boyfriend better watch out for this dad because it sounds like he means business.

Grace already knows how to argue
You might expect a teenager to argue back, but what about a toddler? Grace knows just what to do. She says, “No, Dad.” She’s already ready to assert her independence.

Then, Tierney goes into detail
Dad doesn’t spare any details when he talks about what he’s going to do to Grace’s future boyfriend. The point is that Grace isn’t going to have one as long as she’s living under her dad’s roof. She might have a tough time when she gets a little bit older.

Dad has a better suggestion
Instead of getting a boyfriend, Tierney has another idea for his daughter. He says she should become a nun instead. Sure, it might be a little bit over the top, but that’s how a lot of dads feel. Unfortunately for him, it looks as though Grace has already made up her mind.

You have to check out this adorable video for yourself.
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