Marc Daniels suddenly rose into stardom in the world of parenting. A lot of people were impressed by his sweet love for his daughter.
But what exactly happened that made people feel this way? On what seemed to be a dress rehearsal, his daughter found herself a bit overwhelmed.
Daniels’ two-year-old daughter was having some trouble.
Isabella was struggling with stage fright.

Instead of dancing with her pals, Isabella found herself sobbing while curling up on the floor. Her father attempted to comfort her from off stage but was unsuccessful.
Bermuda’s well-muscled barrister Daniels discovered he was unprepared to handle the backstage breakdown. He was aware that more action was required.
Daddy saves the day.
He realized he had to go to his young daughter, so he did.

Daniels made his way to the side of his distraught daughter among all those little ballerinas.
In an effort to help his daughter feel more comfortable on stage, the dad even started to demonstrate the dancing routines.
This dad deserves all the accolades.
The trooper of a dad was carrying Isabella’s sibling too while he danced. Daniels had his hands full because mom was assisting backstage, but he handled the toddler’s tantrum with class and grace.
He was able to spin, pirouette, and dance with Isabella’s dance instructor.

The matching tutus would have made this the ideal father-daughter dance, but they were not there.
Nevertheless, the audience was enthralled by how adorable it was to see a father supporting his young dancer.
Actually, someone was so astonished by it that they posted a picture of it on social media.
The photo spread like wildfire.

“Bella was very emotional and needed hugs from her daddy. Despite having a tantrum, I can tell she wanted to stay on stage,” the dancing dad recounted. “I didn’t want to discourage her before the big performance by making her be the only one to come off.”
Daniels stopped Isabella from losing heart.
Instead, he gave her the freedom to confront her fears and achieve her ambition of performing on stage.
Daniels saw this as a regular opportunity for a parent to support his daughter.

For him, it was not a heroic deed. It was just a day trying to help his baby girl out.
“I was holding Suri and stood next to her, trying to build her confidence—I told her I loved her and that she’s an amazing dancer. I asked if she wanted to dance with daddy and she nodded, so I thought I’d join in,” Daniels said.
Obviously not their first dance.
“I’ve practiced with them at home on many occasions so it wasn’t unfamiliar to me. At home, she’s always dancing, but on Tuesday, that energy was lacking. She simply wasn’t having any of it,” Daniels continued.
“Jurors, police officers, and members of the prosecution have even been giving me twirls and plies as a token of appreciation for the video. Even in the court the other day, one of the magistrates made a comment about my moves that prompted the court to erupt in laughter.”

Indeed, he was the talk of the town!
Last but not least, Daniels joked, “Before having the girls, I don’t think I’d ever attempted any ballet moves before. But now, everyone in Bermuda knows me for my toe-pointing. Maybe it’s never too late to become a ballerina.”
What we’re sure of though is that he’s definitely the best dad in his children’s eyes. Way to go, Daniels!
Watch the video below to witness the ridiculously adorable moment!
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