Singing is a powerful tool of parenthood. You can sing to your children to soothe them, calm them down when they’re in distress, or put them to sleep when all they want to do is run around the house like crazy.
In fact, studies have shown that singing to infants and young children is very beneficial for brain development.
More specifically, it is believed to affect language abilities, attention, development, hearing acuity, and even social interactions.
Now, reading the above, what comes to mind is mainly lullabies or children’s songs, but this is not the case. You can sing literally anything to your baby, and they will still enjoy all the benefits music offers.
Do you need to be a talented singer or musician to sing or play music to your baby?
The answer here is no, but if you are, then it’s even better, of course!
Just like Aaron Foye, monitor engineer for Willie Nelson’s band, who played the guitar and sang Bon Jovi’s Wanted Dead or Alive to his daughter, back in 2008.
Posted by Aaron Foye on Friday, June 9, 2017
Sydney Foye used to listen to music even before she was born since her dad is a musician, and he continued singing and playing music for her after she was born.
At eight months old, even before she could walk, Sydney had already developed a preference for classic rock, and the video that follows is proof of that.
In the video below, you can see Aaron playing the classic Bon Jovi song on his guitar, and baby Sydney trying to sing along.
“She didn’t know how to walk yet,” Aaron said during an interview with CBS Early Show, “she crawls over and, you know, she was just the right height to grab upon the guitar, and started strumming it. She just rocked out so we had to tape it.”
Indeed, this was a moment a parent would want to remember and, of course, show their kid when they grow up.
Sydney just stood there, doing the headbang, and making funny baby sounds as if trying to sing with her dad. Her whole body was moving and she really looked like she was enjoying it.
Aaron enjoyed it, too, and he kept reinforcing the movement.
Towards the end of the video, as you can see, Aaron pauses for a while. But Sydney is not discouraged by such a minor inconvenience. She knows how to solve the issue: by playing the guitar herself.
So, she went on to strum her own rhythm, while she also kept doing the headbang and singing.
In case you’re wondering, Sydney still was a music enthusiast as a toddler, but she hasn’t been really into headbanging growing up, as her mom explained.
However, she kept singing. In a video her dad uploaded in 2011, when she was three years old, she can be heard singing her own made-up song.
The girl is obviously attracted by music and- who knows- we may listen to one of her songs in a few years. After all, musical talent runs in the family, right? Even if she doesn’t end up on stage, though, we’ll definitely remember her unique baby dance.
Head over to the video below to watch the cute baby’s performance and we bet you’ll have a good laugh.
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