One of the most common familial conflicts that have stood the test of time between a dad and a daughter: the fight over a boyfriend!
As we’ve seen over the years, many dads have “banned” their young daughters from having boyfriends.
Although we know these dads may feel some truth to their statements, it is mostly just a tease to their daughters to see their reactions.
In this video, this little girl’s dad says she can’t have a boyfriend…it turns out she already has one!

Boyfriend? Not for this little girl.
We know how the story goes. A dad will go to whatever measure to protect his little girl from boys.
This little girl, in sharing a moment of truth with her parents, got herself stuck in the no boys allowed conversation.
The conversation starts with her mom asking who Jared is, and she continues to share that Jared is her boyfriend.
Quickly, her dad jumps in and says “you don’t have a boyfriend.”
She replies and reminds him that she sure does have a boyfriend!
Her dad replies again “you don’t have a boyfriend” and this time instead of replying she starts crying because her dad keeps saying she doesn’t have a boyfriend!

Paternal Instincts.
After the little girl stops crying, her dad jumps in and says “you’re not allowed to have a boyfriend until your 50!”
This does not go over well with his daughter.
She gives him a hit on the leg for his ridiculous statement, insists that she has a boyfriend, and continues to cry when her dad says no.

The unconvincing plea for a boyfriend.
It sounds like dad has made up his mind!
Her plea to have a boyfriend has unfortunately failed, and her poor boyfriend “Jawed” (Jared) will likely be served with a breakup in the near future seeing as she can’t have a boyfriend for approximately another 47 years!

The little girl is not alone in her struggle.
This little girl is not alone!
Many dads have taken on this trending joke of not allowing their daughters to have a boyfriend for years and years.
All over TikTok, dads have their daughters “signing away” their rights to a boyfriend until 2041 and beyond!
Some of these girls are old enough to provide their own “signature,” and others are so young that they can only provide a hand or footprint.
What do you think about this ongoing trend?
Watch their precious interaction below!
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