Dad’s Tired Of Teens Not Cleaning Room So Uses Brilliant Rice Trick
Chad shared a genius way to get kids to clean their rooms using rice - and it's pretty darn hilarious!
Mary Rose Garra

Life with a toddler is never boring, with everything from blocks to books to stickers and dolls.

But, with all that fun, there’s a lot of cleaning up to do.

Pexels - PNW Production
Pexels - PNW Production

When you’re putting away toys and your toddler dumps out a new box of toys to play with… It’s easy to become overwhelmed β€” parenting is a never-ending task!

As a result, teaching young children the importance of cleaning up is a good practice.

It benefits both the children and the parents.

According to a Raising Children post, “being involved in chores also gives children experience of relationship skills like communicating, negotiating, cooperating and working as a team.”

Pexels- cottonbro
Pexels- cottonbro

“When children contribute to family life, it helps them feel competent and responsible.”

What if your children reach the age of adolescence?

A father shared a ‘genius’ hack for getting his teenagers to clean their rooms. It involves a simple store cupboard item that you may already have on hand.

Pexels - cottonbro
Pexels - cottonbro

Many parents will understand the frustration of trying to get their children to clean up their rooms.

A lot of teenagers are content to live in a house full of dirty clothes, empty food wrappers, and dirty dishes.

Pixabay - congerdesign
Pixabay - congerdesign

But one father has devised a surprisingly simple solution.

It’s the one that won’t involve any nagging or pointless arguments.

Chad McHunt shared the idea on Facebook, along with a photo of some black rice that he used to teach his kids a lesson.

Facebook - Chad McHunt
Facebook - Chad McHunt

He wrote: “So, I have teenage kids. I’m always arguing with them about not eating in their room, returning dirty dishes to the kitchen.”

“I threatened that they’re going to end up with a mouse in their room that will brings friends to the house… I got tired of singing the same song and decided to teach them a lesson.”

McHunt took some rice and sprinkled it around their room, making it appear as if there had been an unwelcome visitor.

Unsplash - π“΄π“˜π“‘π“š 𝕝𝔸𝕀
Unsplash - π“΄π“˜π“‘π“š 𝕝𝔸𝕀

He mentioned:

“I went to Whole Foods, purchased some black rice and sprinkled it in their closet, under their bed, I even added a few under their covers. It looks like mice droppings and it scared the sh*t out of them. Needless to say- we don’t have that room cleaning issue any more😊”

From the moment that it was published this April 2021, his post has received different impressions.

He got more than 10,000 reactions, 89,000 shares, and thousands of comments.

Many others said they’d try out the ‘genius hack’ for themselves, while others simply said the idea was ‘too funny.’

One left a comment:

“That’s an ingenious idea!!!! Love it!!!!”

Others are eager to do the same.

“I going to do that for sure!!!Thanks for the great idea!!”

Pixabay - DaModernDaVinci
Pixabay - DaModernDaVinci

Another person shared a similar tip: “My daughter did the same thing, always eating in the room, I put FAKE spiders one in bed she never ate in there again.”

Do you want more?

There’s a mother whose punishment went viral after she collected everything on her children’s bedroom floor.

She placed them in bags that they could buy back for $25 each. Do you think she went too far?

Watch the video below to know more about this creative punishment for teens not cleaning their room!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family!
