If you pay any attention to the various social networks, especially if you’re an animal lover, you’ve seen plenty of videos showing dogs dance and sing. A lot of people don’t realize that just like humans, animals love music. When they don’t feel good, a soft lullaby will put them to sleep. If they’re bored, something with an upbeat tempo will encourage them to play.
But what most people don’t realize is that some dogs are particular about the type of music they listen to. Yep, you read that right. For whatever reason, some pups prefer rock and roll, others like classical music, and then some dogs only listen to country songs.
And one man proves it
In an adorable video, you see a man named Chris Petersen, cowboy hat and all, cruising down the road with his dog planted right beside him in the passenger seat. While he’s focusing on the driving part, his pup’s staring out the front window just watching the world go by. In the background, you hear country music coming from the radio.

She’s just chilling
As the music continues, the dog doesn’t move much. She’s just taking it all in while spending quality time with her favorite human. I think she enjoys listening to her owner as he sings along with the music. Nothing overly exciting…yet.

This dog is particular
As Petersen explains, while his dog loves all country music, one artist, in particular, stands out. That’s right, this dog is a huge fan of Chris Ledoux. As Petersen looks over at his companion, it’s like a lightbulb went off in her head. As soon as she recognizes the song, her ears perk up and she lets out a brief whining sound.

Now she’s getting excited
As Ledoux sings, the dog becomes increasingly happier. There’s no question that Petersen’s pup loves this performer. Whenever his music plays, she becomes alert. What a great way to spend a day, traveling with your best friend.

“You didn’t tell me it was that Chris Ledoux song”
She loves all of Ledoux’s songs but the one she can’t resist singing to is “Look at You Girl.” With her nose pointed upward to the roof of the car, she lets loose. Now she’s really into the music. The two of them keep singing away. On one hand, the video’s hysterical but on the other hand, it’s heartwarming. You can tell this man and his dog have an extra special bond.

This song gets her going
Ledoux is an outstanding artist. The funny thing about this dog’s favorite song is that it’s slow and smooth. You’d think it would put her to sleep. But no, as soon as she hears it, she sings. Okay, maybe she’s not completely on key, but who cares.

Considering Ledoux is a good old country boy, I’m sure if he saw this video it’d put a smile on his face. For now, Petersen and his best friend will keep on trucking and singing their favorite song. Check out the video for yourself…It’s super sweet.
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Source: YouTube