Do you remember the first time you flew on a plane? If you were old enough, the answer is probably yes. But for babies, it’s a different scenario.
Flying for the first time
While little kids might not remember when they flew the first time, during travel, many of them don’t have the best experience. Especially when they’re still young babies, floating in the sky in a metal tube with a bunch of strangers can be traumatic. Well, that’s what happened with one little girl.

Keeping things in order
Fortunately, flight attendants travel with people. Not only do they serve beverages and snacks but they also play a critical role in safety. Overall, their goal is to make every flight as pleasant as possible.

Traveling as parents
Most people don’t think twice about boarding a plane. But when you have several kids in tow, that’s a different story. In their minds, they’re thinking “please don’t cry, did I bring enough bottles and snacks, and let this plane land quickly.”

Making everyone miserable
Sadly, we’ve probably all been on “that flight,” you know, the one where a baby won’t stop crying the entire time. Sure, you feel really bad for the parent. But at the same, you just want to scream.

One family’s story
A woman by the name of Ashley Dowell was traveling from Rockford, Illinois with her family on a trip to Disney World. That included herself, her husband, and three kids, aged 7, 4, and 9-months-old. Sure enough, within minutes of the plane taking off, her youngest, Alayna, began to cry loudly … oh great.

But then an angel appeared
For 15 minutes, they tried everything to calm their daughter down but nothing worked. Then it seemed as though Heaven sent them an angel in the form of a male flight attendant. Noticing what was happening, he walked over to where the family was seated and picked up the baby.

A little skeptical
At first, Alayna reached for her mom. But as the flight attendant talked to her in a soothing voice, she calmed down. And it didn’t take long at all for her to realize this guy was okay.

He was a natural
This flight attendant didn’t just hold the little girl but he rocked her as he walked down the aisle. We’re not sure if he has kids but he’s a natural at this. In no time, Alayna had gone from crying and screaming to clinging to him lovingly.

Sound asleep
Here’s the crazy part. As he rocked the baby, she began to close her eyes. Within a short time, she was sound asleep. Being careful not to wake her, he handed the now sleeping child back to her parents.

Such a beautiful story
This shows what a little patience and compassion can do. This poor baby was only tired. And with the help of a caring flight attendant, the rest of the family’s travels were uneventful.

After posting the video online, it quickly went viral. So far, it’s been viewed more than 1.3 million times. If you like feel-good stories, you won’t want to miss this one… simply click on the video below and enjoy.
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Source: Good Morning America, Good Morning America