When a person enters the military they sacrifice the comforts of their civilian life to be stationed around the world to do the U.S. military’s biddings.
But they aren’t the only ones sacrificing.
Their families sacrifice too. They have to give up time spent with their solider as well as the comfort of knowing they are safe and sound.

And it’s especially difficult for children when their parent is in the military.
Combined that with their absence during the holidays and its double the difficulty.
Iliana treasures every moment she gets to video chat with her father Army Captain Eric Morski.

Morski has been deployed in Nepal for the last six months leading up to Christmas.
So when they video chat, Morski is usually eating dinner and his 10-year-old daughter is eating her breakfast.
Sometimes they’ll chat before Iliana’s bedtime. Iliana thought she would spend her Christmas only video chatting with her father. But she was only half right.

Morksi’s wife Meredith said her husband planned to surprise his daughter for the holiday.
He would surprise her by coming home for Christmas.
Morski snuck into their home in Fort Bragg, North Carolina where the family is stationed.

“She was upstairs in her room about to go to sleep when I told her he wanted to Facetime her before she went to bed, like they normally do,” Meredith said. “Little did she know that he would be Facetiming her from downstairs.”
And the whole thing was caught on video. You’ll need to grab some tissues before you watch it because this little girl is just too precious for words.

Her reaction is just so adorable. The video shows her getting the call. When she answers it, she does a double take.
She looks up at her mom in disbelief.
Then she looks back at the phone and gasps as she realizes he’s downstairs in their living room.

“Daddy?” she shrieks.
The little girl that takes off out of her room and runs down the stairs yelling, “Daddy, daddy, daddy” the entire way.
When she spots him she takes a running jump into his arms.

“Aww daddy you’re home. O, daddy,y I missed you. My gosh,” she says crying happy tears. “This isn’t sad, I’m happy. Daddy your home!”
“We knew this the whole time,” Morski tells her. “We’ve been planning this.”
“I didn’t know,” she replies.
But Iliana wasn’t the only one excited to see Morski. Their tiny dog Oliver was also jumping for joy… literally.
You can watch their heartwarming reunion in the video below.
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