There are few endeavors more difficult than being a parent. Children are naturally curious and unpredictable. We always need to keep an eye on them all the time because it can only take a few seconds for the little ones to be caught in a frightening situation.

Luckily for the children, many good souls are willing to step in with zero hesitation.
The Hindle family of Azle, Texas, had just returned from a normal shopping trip. While the family unloaded the groceries, three-year-old son Noah jumped back into the car—which had a manual transmission—and accidentally released the emergency brake, causing the car to roll back.

For Noah’s father, Craig, it was a parent’s worst nightmare come true.
“Then all of a sudden, the car started moving,” Craig said in an interview with FOX 4, “I couldn’t understand why. And I expected my son to be standing right next to me, and he wasn’t there or anywhere.”

The house is located near a ditch and a drop-off to a creek, where the car could’ve ended.

But what could have been a tragic accident instead turned out to be a daring rescue by a kind sanitation worker who was doing his job; many people like to call them guardian angels.

Local sanitation worker, Victor Hurtado, managed to catch the car in the nick of time.
Hurtado was going around the neighborhood, picking up trash as though it were any other day. But when he saw the car rolling away, he immediately noticed little Noah inside the car.
Hurtado sprang to his feet, caught up to the car, and used his strength to keep it from rolling away, preventing something even worse from happening.

“Five seconds out of the way,” Craig said, “who knows what could’ve happened.”
Victor was praised for his actions by his employer and was honored by the town of Azle.
Craig sent an email to the sanitation department Hurtado works for, and the city declared a “Victor Hurtado Day.” The garbage collector, however, remained modest and humble. It’s important to remember to do good means not expecting anything in return truly.

“Me, personally, I put it all to God,” Craig said, “being there at the right time at the right place.”
Whether it’s God or a simple human response, what matters is that Noah is safe and still with his family.

If there’s one thing we can always be guaranteed in life, it’s that people, as a whole, are good. Yes, there is a lot of darkness and wickedness, but it’s always important to look at the brighter side of life and understand that human decency and kindness are here to stay for all the evil and danger in the world. There’s only one catch, and it’s that we have to do our part as well. If you can’t find a good person, be one.
Watch the video below to see more on this incredible rescue story!
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