When a woman in Georgia brought home her new baby, there was one person — or, actually, animal — she wanted to introduce her to.
The woman brought her baby out to the pasture to meet her beloved horse, Jag.

This adorable meet-up took place on October 8, 2021, in Georgia, USA. The baby had no idea, zero, that she was to meet her future friend.
Her future friend has such a sweet countenance for a horse.
Jag’s human had a foal and he loves her!

He even gives her a little sniff just to be sure his eyes weren’t deceiving him. Yes, Jag, that’s a little human foal to your horse eyes.
There’s also no need to worry about the baby’s safety.
Pretty sure mom knew what she was doing introducing her adorable daughter to her handsome horse. Jag is obviously smitten. Would you look at Jag’s eyes? Gentle!

Give it a few years and that baby will grow into a strong girl who will be riding Jag and spending time with home from sun up to sundown.
Horses tend to have that effect.
Mom sure knows how to care for horses. Having these beautiful animals around requires a lot of attention and know-how.

Horses come in all shapes, colors, and personalities. Challenging, aloof, tense, and sociable are just some of the traits these animals show their new humans.
It all depends on the approach.
If Jag is this warm and friendly, then all the other horses under mom’s care should be at least curious and friendly too. A horse’s personality is dictated by how it is cared for plus its environment.

Horses can live up to 30 when well cared for so it shouldn’t be a problem for Jag to have a little girl on his back a few more years down the road.
They are socially dependent creatures, requiring the company of other horses to stay happy and healthy.
No different from us humans except we smell better. Or should smell better.
It’s the same for babies. Healthy development for infants includes socializing and stimulating their senses so they can absorb the world around them. This baby girl’s got to learn horseplay.

People are often divided when it comes to exposing a baby to animals. Babies born into families with pets have a reduced risk of developing allergies.
That is, if they’re exposed to animals in the first few months of coming home. Horses qualify more as companions rather than pets.
Having a big animal around, when trained right, can be beneficial for kids.
As Equisearch also puts it,
“Horses make wonderful childhood companions. Children are naturally attracted to them, and that makes horses a desirable alternative to TV-watching, Internet-surfing, or just “hanging out.” Horseback riding also puts children in touch with nature, and can be enjoyed alone or in groups.”

These two clearly took to each other right away, and we’re sure they’ll have a wonderful time growing up together. They’re so adorable together.
Check out the video of their first meeting below!
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