Victoria had her first child, Brooke, at the age of 17. Then she met Andie and at the age of 19 they had their first child together, and by 2020 they had already had 3 children together.
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As Andie explained, he has always treated all of his children equally, no matter whether he is their biological father or not.
Brooke knows this very well and she has always felt a special connection with Andie, whom she considers her dad.
“I treat all the kids the same no matter what, and they all love to play fight with me, draw pictures and play games,” Andie Griffiths told Happily.
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That’s why, a couple of years ago, she and her mom decided to surprise the man by asking him to officially adopt Brooke.
Victoria had been planning the surprise with her eldest daughter for about a month before the whole thing unfolded. She only trusted Brooke, 7 years old at the time, with the secret because she knew that her younger ones, Cory, aged five, Charlie, three, and Sapphire, one, might have given it away by mistake.
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“Only Brooke was involved in the adoption surprise as the boys would have told me before the day – this way I had no idea this was going to happen,” he said.
The video that shows Brooke surprising Andie with a card on Father’s Day 2020 was uploaded on YouTube and it has since gone viral with almost 3 million views.
In the video, we can see the man being given a card by Vicky who is also recording everything on camera.

He probably thinks that it’s just a typical Father’s Day gift, but he also looks confused because the moment- and his reactions- are being filmed.
So, he goes on and opens the card, reads it, and when he gets to the last line: “P.S. Look at me after reading the card”, he turns around to see Brooke unzipping her sweater and revealing a t-shirt that asks him if he wants to be her dad officially.

It seems that the message on the t-shirt reads: “Daddy, will you adopt me?”
The man is really shocked by the surprise but also very touched by the whole thing. So much so that he can’t hold back his tears.

After a moment or two, he manages to wipe his tears of joy and pride and he hugs his soon-to-be daughter tight.
At the time, due to COVID restrictions, the adoption could not be completed, but the family had plans of moving on with making the adoption official as soon as life got back to normal.

In any case, adopting a stepchild is a great way to show them that you consider them to be your own. It also adds to the bond you have already built with them and it makes official what you already feel for them- love and care.
What a heartwarming story and what a beautiful family!

Watch Brooke’s surprise to Andie in the video below.
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