Family Fun
Sassy little girl has internet rolling with her ‘real talk’ about Santa Claus
She’s hilarious and makes some good points too.
Jake Manning

As the festive season approaches, excitement fills the air, especially for the little ones eagerly anticipating Santa’s arrival.

Among them is Mila, a charming young girl with a curious mind.

She’s been pondering over Santa Claus’s unique way of doing things, like how he manages to deliver presents.

Does he, perhaps, break into houses?

Unsplash - Ella de Kross
Unsplash - Ella de Kross

Mila’s mother captured her daughter’s amusing insights in a YouTube video that’s nothing short of delightful.

The video’s description sets the tone: “Mila gives her thoughts on Santa. Points out the things that are funny or odd about him if you really think about it.”

And true to her words, Mila’s observations are spot-on and hilarious.

YouTube - Katie Stauffer
YouTube - Katie Stauffer

Mila, with her endearing sass, questions the traditional narrative of Santa.

“So I’m supposed to meet Santa at the mall,” she remarks in the video.

“You mean Santa, the dude mom mentions to manipulate me? Yeah peeps, we know the deal. This ain’t my first rodeo.”

Unsplash - LuAnn Hunt
Unsplash - LuAnn Hunt

But what about Santa keeping an eye on kids all year round?

Her take on Santa’s omnipresence – knowing when kids are sleeping or awake – is equally amusing and a tad creepy, according to her.

“He knows when I’m sleeping? He knows when I’m awake? First off… This guy has no life. And that’s really creepy!” Mila exclaims.

YouTube - Katie Stauffer
YouTube - Katie Stauffer

She doesn’t shy away from critiquing the famous line from a Christmas song either.

“Better not shout, better not cry? This guy’s standards… Way too high!”

(Little does Mila know – parents asked him to add in that little detail for their own sakes.)

Unsplash - Jesson Mata
Unsplash - Jesson Mata

Mila also raises an eyebrow at Santa’s unconventional entry methods.

“Who do I trust to buy me the latest toys? An old man living on the North Pole? Right. Let’s point out the obvious guys. He breaks into your house at night! I think it’d be safer if your parents just do the stockings.”

Unsplash - Mike Cox
Unsplash - Mike Cox

Her candid and witty perspective is a breath of fresh air.

In a lighthearted conclusion to her monologue, Mila addresses Santa directly, “Santa, if you’re watching… No offense.”

This adorable critique has resonated with many, propelling the video to viral status with over 770,000 views.

YouTube - Katie Stauffer
YouTube - Katie Stauffer

Despite her humorous skepticism, Mila’s belief in Santa remains intact.

Her mother clarifies in the video description,

“Mila does believe in Santa she never mentions not! Just mentions the funny things about Santa and the things he does. And how maybe we should just treat it like a big birthday party…which is really what it is all about anyway.”

Unsplash - Kenny Eliason
Unsplash - Kenny Eliason

For a bit of festive trivia, did you know that a survey found that about 85% of young children in the United States believe in Santa Claus?

This magical figure, inspired by St. Nicholas, a 4th-century saint known for his generosity, continues to captivate the hearts and imaginations of children worldwide.

YouTube - Katie Stauffer
YouTube - Katie Stauffer

Mila’s delightful musings on Santa Claus offer a fresh, humorous perspective on a beloved holiday tradition.

Her video is a must-watch for a good laugh and a reminder of the innocent wonder that makes the holiday season so special.

Enjoy it for yourself below!

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