Not everyone is good at keeping a secret, especially when it’s an exciting one that will bring joy to the entire family. However, one couple proved just how awesome they are at keeping good news under wraps.
Tom and Briane decided to keep a huge secret from Tom’s parents.
You see, years earlier, the couple lost a child in utero. Ever since, Tom’s wished for twins. Soon enough, his wishes came true!
Turns out, Briane just had a pair of beautiful baby twins! But the parents decided to keep one of the babies a secret…

On his mother’s birthday, Tom revealed the astonishing, beautiful truth, which is easily among the greatest gifts in modern birthday history.
Tom’s mom, otherwise known as Grandma Martha, reacted in absolute disbelief and confusion. Her response seems fitting considering she now has a surprise grandchild. That doesn’t happen often.

Her face is priceless, summing up her reaction perfectly.
Completely shaken, she states, “That’s a real baby.”
Her son responds calmly with a wide grin on his face, “That’s a real baby. Your new grandson, too.”

Naturally, she asks if anyone else knows. Tom’s wife Briane, who’s recording the exchange, chuckles and replies,
“You’re the first!”
All the while during the revealing, the previously presumed only child, Brinkley Hope, is just feet away in the bassinet to the left!

The couple’s beautiful new daughter is named Brinkley Hope, and their son is Ace Leo. These twins are cute as a button.
Unfortunately, Brinkley Hope and Ace Leo were born premature and with health problems requiring extended time in the NICU.

Due to COVID health concerns, visitors weren’t allowed to see them before being discharged.
This made it even easier to keep the secret.
Fortunately, Brinkley Hope and Ace Leo are now happy and healthy at home and in the loving arms of their parents and grandparents.

Before the big reveal, Tom’s parents only knew of baby Brinkley Hope.
When he walked into the living room on her birthday, Tom hit Martha with the following:
“I did not have time to wrap your birthday gift.”
Yeah, no kidding. Not only is raising two newborns totally time-consuming, but you wouldn’t want to wrap a child, obviously.
In an interview with Inside Edition, Tom (somewhat) answers the question we’re all curious to know: why?
“I always said if we were blessed and lucky enough to actually have twins, that I would love to keep one of them a secret.”
That really would be the biggest, most memorable surprise ever. And going from this grandma’s reaction, she’s never going to forget it!

Martha started the day enjoying her newborn granddaughter, just to find out she’s had a grandson for weeks. Now, she absolutely adores all of her grandchildren.
So what do you think of Tom and Briane’s giant, juicy secret? How would you feel in Martha’s position? I imagine it’s some combination of shocked, confused, surprised, and overjoyed!
Watch the video to see Grandma Martha’s priceless reaction for yourself. It’s a good thing they were filming!
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