Do you remember the time when your grandparents used to read stories to you while tucking you in bed? This part of your sleep routine is not just something done to build a connection with you.
Reading aloud even to babies can do a lot for their mental development.

According to Kids Health, hearing words helps to build a rich network of words in a baby’s brain.
Kids whose parents talk and read to them often know more words by age two than children who have not been read to.
And kids who are read to during their early years are more likely to learn to read at the right time.

So having a bedtime storytime has more benefits than you think, and this is probably also the reason why one particular grandma decides to read to her grandson, even if he’s not even a year old yet.
Janice Clark, a Scottish grandmother, loves to read to her grandchildren.

In a video uploaded on YouTube, Janice can be seen as she reads aloud to her very young grandson.
The book she is holding is entitled The Wonky Donkey, and it has now become a bestseller because of her.
The Wonky Donkey features illustrations by Katz Cowley.
It had already sold hundreds of thousands of copies in New Zealand and Australia. It has been around for a decade, but it gained more popularity because of a viral video wherein Janice reads it to her grandchild.

In the video, Janice starts the story animatedly to grab her little grandson’s attention.
She was just simply reading the book aloud and adding higher tones to make it more fun for the little boy.
As it turned out, Janice enjoyed reading the story even more and even ended up laughing so hard.

She was already laughing incessantly but she just could not stop reading the book.
It was such a funny story! The elderly woman was wheezing with so much laughter while she read the book.
Each page she turned and as she read more and more lines of the book, Janice’s laughter grew even harder and louder.

Clearly, this grandma is quite entertained by the children’s story meant to make her four-month-old grandchild wonder.
She is surely having such a good time that after watching her video, people have started buying that same book!

Because of Janice’s viral video, people online became aware of the decade-old story and started searching online so they can purchase it.
More than 19 years after its release, The Wonkey Donkey is now back in the game.
Of course, through all this, Janice’s grandson is oblivious to the sensation their video created.

His innocence while everything unfolded in the video is quite adorable.
Janice is doing her best to get the boy’s attention but ended up having a good laugh herself. What refreshing and infectious laughter she has!
Hear grandma’s story session in the video below!
You can try not to laugh, but I bet you wouldn’t be able to!
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