People and horses have a long history together.
Humans first domesticized these animals thousands of years ago, with some reports saying it was as early as 10,200 B.C.

As a result, horses remained close to humans of their own free will.
They were trained to transport goods and pull wagons and buggies for work.
Horses were very important.
They fought alongside soldiers and transported crucial supplies to camps. Imagine the bond those horses had with the soldiers.

Today, most horses are companion and therapy animals, relationships that have become all too important in this current age.
Many people treat horses as pets.
Some even keep a stable of horses to teach others how to ride and care for these magnificent animals.

And what better way to bond than with a few kisses?
This video of a precious little boy sharing a few kisses with a horse has 243,000 likes and counting. In his orange coat and blue boots, the little guy reaches up and kisses the gentle horse on the lips.
The horse, in turn, kisses the boy’s head ever so sweetly.
It’s almost like a cartoon!

There’s such a huge size difference but love has that amazing spell where it manages to make everyone and everything equal regardless.
Horses are pack animals, so they have that instinct of belonging to a group, knowing their place and actively communicating with each other to survive in the wild.
As pets, horses will see their humans as the pack. It’s really not that different.

And because they are social animals, horses need relationships to feel happy.
Yes, even with humans.
Lack of socialization can have a negative psychological impact on these beautiful animals.
They learn behavior by observing others in a pack, so they gain the manners and skills naturally.

Grooming and spending time with horses help create a strong bond.
Or like this little guy, kissing works too!
If you’re wondering, yes, humans can pick up on our emotions.
Psychologists found that horses could recognize a person’s mood from facial expressions and even differentiate between anger and happiness.
When a person is agitated and angry, the horse responds either in fear or sudden aggression. Show them gentleness, and they will respond the same.

This horse seemed particularly smitten with this little human.
Just look at its eyes. That’s pure love from such a powerful and majestic creature.
What a lucky little boy to have such an awesome friend!
An observant viewer said,
“Omg look at the eyes of that beautiful horse after the second kiss, they go from kinda scrunched closed to blinking open. Something about that was so beautiful.”
See, horses do pick up on emotions.
Kids are so pure and so full of love and wonder that this horse picked up on the boy’s vibes. Wait 10 years and he’ll be riding!

What an adorable moment. We’re so glad it was captured on camera for us all to see.
Check out the adorable kisses for yourself in the video below!
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