“There was no heartbeat.”
It was two days before the Christmas of 2016 when Lauren and EJ Wynn went to their second ultrasound. They were so excited because two of Lauren’s best friends were also expecting.
Unfortunately, the doctor said there was no heartbeat.

Those words pierced through their hearts, and it turned their Christmas into a sad one.
Lauren and EJ Wynn always wanted to be parents. They were ready, and they were full of love. They had always prayed for a child, but what they didn’t expect was a long road of tears and disappointments.
Hearing those words would devastate anyone.

“To have a baby would be a dream come true for us. It’s everything we have wanted since before we even got married,” Lauren Wynn shared her journey to Good Morning America.
Imagine yourself holding a tiny version of you and your partner, seeing those small feet, and experiencing love like you’ve never known before.
“The journey has been a little rough for us,” EJ Wynn said.

Indeed, this dream wasn’t easy for both EJ and Lauren. But can you imagine this happening eight times?
“In 2 1/2 years, I had 7 miscarriages, 2 hospitalizations, and 9 surgeries. I started seeing a Reproductive Immunologist, and they have been wonderful,” Lauren shared in her GoFundME account.
Can you imagine the pain and fear that these two have gone through?

They decided to try IVF, and just like that, Lauren got pregnant. Unfortunately, they lost the baby again.
The IVF process wasn’t easy, but still, they decided to go for another procedure.
According to NCSL, one cycle of IVF will cost them an average of $12,000 to $17000.

They wanted to try again, but where will they get all that money? Aside from this risk, they also know that a successful IVF won’t guarantee a successful pregnancy.
They have been through a lot, but still, they are hoping.
The couple decided to try IVF again, but EJ wanted to do something for his wife first.

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EJ decided to let go of his shoe collection and sell them. By selling his collection of sneakers, he was able to earn $4,800.
Lauren posted a TikTok video of her husband, Ej, selling some of his shoe collection.
The video went viral with more than 2.9M views. They also shared their story in their GoFundMe account and started sharing information about their journey and with the subject of infertility.

“I didn’t even realize how many guys online could relate. So many people reached out and would call me and ask me for advice,” EJ Wynn shared.
Today, Lauren is 23 weeks pregnant, and they have been receiving financial help, gifts, words of encouragement, and so much more.
“I’m just going to keep trying to remain positive. EJ and I both are. When you’ve gone through this as many times as we have, in the back of your head, you’re still hesitant to let yourself actually fully let down your guard,” told Lauren Wynn in her interview.

They still have a long way to go before they see their little bundle of joy.
Though, with the love that the people are giving them and their faith, anything is possible.
Follow their TikTok account here to be updated. You can also check the gender reveal video of EJ and Lauren.
Watch the full interview below.
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