When we were kids, we always wished we could have the freedom of grown-ups.
Little did we all know how much responsibility comes with being an adult. The tasks are truly never-ending.
There’s always a chore to be done, an appointment to get to, bills to pay, and money to make.
Being a kid has its privileges.
However, some kids would tell you that being a kid has its fair share of responsibilities, too.
Meet Darragh O’Neill.
He’s the busiest 4-year-old you’ll ever meet. Just like grown-ups, this little chap is too busy to stop and play.
In fact, he’s even busier than most adults, well according to his extensive to-do list.

While on their family’s farm in Northern Ireland, the boy was captured on film by his mother, Caroline, as he recites the tasks he was about to do for the day.
He claims to be a very busy little man, backed by his tremendously long and packed to-do list.
He walked mom through his tasks.

For more than three minutes, young Darragh didn’t do anything but tell his mom about his to-do list.
His tasks include building his house, digging a drain for his neighbor, and he even said he’s cleaning the windows of a Marks & Spencer store. This kid is surely busy.
But that’s not all.
He claims he needs to go to Dublin for the digger wherein his budget for the project is £20. Well, good luck with that budget, young man.

Aside from the really tough work ahead of him, this boy still is not done and even plans to level the stones in the yard.
Plus, he also has plans of stimming his Grandpa’s lane.
It’s a busy day for Darragh.

He’s got a powerful work ethic.
And if you think you can stop this tiny man from all his listed jobs because of the weather, let me tell you that he already considered that part.
Young Darragh says it’s “a quare day for concrete”. He even mentioned the guy who delivers supplies to the farm.

“I’ll put in tiles up at my house I’m building. It’s going on good, they’re putting on the windows today. I’m putting in the tiles, but I need the concrete man this evening. He’s coming at half six. It’s a quare day for the concrete. It’s for Ronan McAliskey, he drives the lorries. What else do I have to do?”
Oh, yes, what else to do little Darragh?
Apparently, he’s not done yet.

“I’m going to need to get the keys of my car because I don’t have then yet, I only ‘buyed’ my car there yesterday. I only got my license yesterday. The police won’t be out today. I’ll park her up at Tessie’s. I’ll bring my bike up. He then stops briefly, and without need for notes, he continues his list of chores. I tell you’se what else I’m doing. I’m putting up barbed wire. I’m ‘strimming’ hedges, I’m painting fences, cutting my sheep. I’m going up to Dublin to look at a digger and see if I can buy it. £20 or so will do him. I have to ‘strim’ granda’s lane. I have to cut down a big tree.”
He’s not an average 4-year-old

“I’m going up to John Paul’s. I might dig out his wee drains. Then I’m going up to Brian G’s. I’m a busy man.”
Darragh’s mom could not help but laugh out loud after hearing him say that. Darragh did not miss this and asked his mom why she was laughing.
Their conversation hilariously evolves.
What used to be a conversation about work turns into talks about food.

“Pizza base or steak tonight? What else am I doing then? I forgot this, I’m mowing the garden then. Levelling a bit of stones out in the yard…Half eight, that’s the time I go to bed, isn’t it? A shower I’ll maybe do tonight. I better go now and get the cement so I’ll clear all them stones out and put new ones in.”
Oh, wow, this boy sure has lots to do. Can you even imagine yourself completing all of those work in a single day? He still has something to do even at night time!
When they veered towards the topic of food again, he realized he really wanted some steak over pizza.
“Steak I would say and chips and garlic cubes. What’s that thing you dip things into… peppered sauce, aye.”
He’d also like a job downtown.

“You know that big place Marks & Spencer’s, I’m putting new windows in it. I’m cleaning the windows. I might go up there this morning. I don’t want paid like. I already have lots of money.”
Caroline shares with Belfast Telegraph about his little boys, Darragh and Pearse, and their routine on the farm.
The apple doesn’t fall far.
“He’s only four so he just picks up everything from his daddy Gerard and his granddad. We don’t have any iPads or computers so the boys are always outside learning about farming and land every weekend when they’re off school. I think it’s just him following what the adults are doing.”
Darragh’s adorable openness has been a big hit online. He’s just got so much on his mind and he’s willing to bare it all, all in an absolutely charming Irish accent.
Hear Darragh’s adorable rant to mom about his laundry list of things to do in the video below!
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