Kissing your kids on the lips isn't weird so let's stop acting like it is
David Beckham caused some controversy when he posted a photo of him kissing his daughter on the lips.
Cheryl Knight

When David Beckham posted a picture on Instagram of himself giving his then seven-year-old daughter, Harper, a kiss on the lips in 2018, some people were outraged. The controversy raised the question, is it ever okay to kiss your kids, especially on the lips?

Is it okay to kiss your kids on the lips?

Pixabay – mirkosajkov
Pixabay – mirkosajkov

According to psychiatrists, whether you are okay with the practice or not depends in part on how you were raised yourself. If you grew up in a home where parents kissed their kids on the lips was common, then chances are you will have no problem with others exhibiting the practice.

Experts disagree on the subject

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Pixabay - StockSnap

There is some disagreement even among experts on whether the practice is appropriate behavior or not. Some say, that kissing your kids on the lips crosses some kind of boundary, while others claim the practice helps to normalize affection for kids so that they become affectionate adults.

Pixabay - AdinaVoicu
Pixabay - AdinaVoicu

Whether you agree with a kiss on the lips or not, it is important to show affection to your kids so that they can grow up to be well-adjusted adults. You can also use the practice to teach your kids it is okay to say no when they don’t feel like being affectionate with others, especially family members.

Showing affection helps your kids grow into good adults

Pixabay – Victoria_Borodinova
Pixabay – Victoria_Borodinova

Ultimately, showing affection to your kids is an important part of their growth. Before you know it, your kids will be grown and too old for kisses at all. In the end, it is up to each family whether kissing your kids on the lisp is okay.

David Beckham creates a controversy

In David Beckham’s case, the controversy started when he posted a picture on Instagram of him and his daughter, Harper, kissing on the lips. While seemingly innocent to many, some of the people who saw it took exception to the practice, calling it disgusting and creepy.

Instagram – davidbeckham
Instagram – davidbeckham

This was not the first time that Beckham had faced criticism. He had posted a similar picture the previous year with much the same response.

“A good guide is to let your child set the tone,” Dr. Gail Saltz, clinical associate professor of psychiatry at the Weill-Cornell School of Medicine, said in a CNN interview. “When children are young, they may want those kisses on the lips, but their attitudes may change as they become teenagers, so follow their lead.”

David Beckham’s kissing controversy followed one involving his wife, Victoria Beckham, and Harper for the same thing. It just goes to show that people don’t care about the gender of the parent when it comes to kissing their kids on the lips. Fortunately, most of the comments on Victoria’s Instagram post were supportive.

Ultimately, it is up to the parents

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Pixabay - kenny

Whether you want to kiss your kids on the lips or not is up to you. As long as you respect your child’s boundaries, then there should be no problem. At the same time, you should teach them about respecting the boundaries of others. And you can always show affection in other ways, like with a hug, if you prefer.

For more on this often controversial subject and whether the practice is okay, check out the video below.

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Sources: YouTube – Dr. Jen Caudle, Secret Life of Mom, San Diego Family
