“Fathers, be your daughter’s first love and she’ll never settle for anything less.” – Unknown
For a dad, raising a little girl is both challenging and rewarding at the same time. When you first see that baby, that beautiful child in your arms, being the tough guy that you are, you know your heart would just melt.

Mark that day because it is the day that you will meet your match. As they say, no matter how big, manly, and tough you are, you will always be soft when it comes to your daughter.
It just changes you. You’ll become too protective of a little girl, you’ll learn to play dolls, and even wear hair clips just to please her. And do you see that sweet smile of hers? That’s what love means.

For the daughter, her father is her love. It’s incomparable, genuine, and beautiful. That’s the reason why it’s very common for little girls to want to marry their fathers.
This is actually very sweet because she sees you, her father, as the example of the man she’ll want to marry someday. So, guys, make sure that she doesn’t settle for anything less, okay?

Now, back to this cute story, as little Bella Atkinson saw her family’s photos on their staircase, one picture caught her attention.
She saw her parent’s wedding photo.
In the video that Good Morning America shared, little Bella asked her mom, “You and Dad are married?” and her mom answered her with ‘Yes, do you think you will get married one day too?’

That question made Bella think. She thought of the question for a little while and then answered her mom. After that, she realized who her dream man was, but sadly, that man is already taken.
She said, “Daddy Matt.”

Then tears started to fall, and she said “one.” Her mom asked her what she meant about that, and she said that there’s only one Daddy Matt and he’s already married to her mom.
She can’t marry him!
The little girl was clearly heartbroken with her realization. Her mom was trying her best not to laugh. She proceeded to ask her, “Who are you gonna marry then?” and she adorably answered, “Nobody.”

For her, since there’s no other Daddy Matt, she decided not to get married. Of course, her mom wouldn’t let her daughter feel that way, so she asked her if she can share Daddy Matt with her, and she said yes!
This short clip is genuinely adorable, and it just shows how little girls look up to their fathers.
In fact, it’s very common for a child to do this with a parent or even a relative since this is the most familiar circle that they have. It shows how a young child will observe their family and build criteria for an ideal spouse.

That’s why it’s very important for us to show a child what a family is, what an ideal marriage is, and most of all, how he or she should be treated, and that is with love, respect, and equality.
Watch the adorable video of Bella, and don’t forget to share your story with us.
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