When it comes to speaking one’s mind no one does it better than a kid. They won’t hold anything back when it comes to the truth and their honest opinions.
If you have a new hairstyle that you’re not sure about, ask a child for their opinion. You’re guaranteed to get a totally truthful, no-beating-around-the-bush answer.
Little truth tellers
Kids really don’t care about embarrassing their parents. Some of the best moments are when children out their parents for doing things they don’t want others to know about, like mom’s 5pm wine drinking habit, or dad’s extensive skincare regime.

Bathroom time
Top on the list of things we adults don’t like to talk about is our bathroom habits.
But as anyone with a child will know, poop is any kid’s number one topic of conversation. It’s just so hilarious to them.

Not mincing her words
To prove our point, we came across a hilarious video of a little girl outing her dad’s bathroom habits in a truly dramatic fashion.
The short clip, which was posted onto YouTube by Rumble Viral, shows a little girl standing outside a closed bathroom door as she bears a word of warning to her family members.

Telling it like it is
“You can’t go in there!” She proclaims dramatically. When her mom asks why, the little girl says simply, “You’ll die!”
What could possibly be so bad that you’ll die if you enter the room? Is the flooring unsafe? Or perhaps there’s a venomous snake that’s somehow managed to get in from outside?

Dad’s fault
As it turns out, the reason that the little girl is trying to stop anyone from going into the bathroom is all because her dad has just been in there.
Elaborating some more, the hilarious girl says, “Daddy smells, poo, yuck, yuck.”

As if to get her point across even more, the little girl sassily waves her hand in front of her face as if she’s fighting off a bad smell.
We can’t stop laughing
The adults fall about laughing, and we can’t help feeling sorry for the poor dad! Is he ever going to live this down?

The best thing about this video is that the little girl really doesn’t care about how her dad will feel about her shaming his bathroom habits.
She has that brutal honesty that makes kids so hilarious!

Gaining popularity
Since being posted, the video has been viewed by over 11,000 people all over the world, and many took to the comments to praise the little girl’s comedy:
“Does she really believe that you’ll die? Is she just repeating what she heard? If the answer is no, she’s a comedic genius and has a bright future ahead of her,” one person wrote.
Another joked: “Sorry, little girl…it’ll never change…my daughters are now 13 and 11 and they still say the same thing about me!!”

Someone else quipped: “No more questioning if there’s a need for 2 bathrooms in a house!” While a final person said: “Wait.. what if she tells this to the guests? Dad’s all secrets will be out lol.”
Everyone needs two bathrooms minimum
Just about anyone who lives with a man knows that two bathrooms are essential!
Whether this little girl is simply copying her mom or has come up with this all by herself, we still think she’s absolutely hilarious!
Watch the hilarious video for yourself below. She holds nothing back with her truth telling!
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