Finding a spouse should be the least of a kid’s worries, but sometimes our developing brains process the world around us in a way that fosters anxiety about the most random things at the most random times.
Take, for example, Andrea Mundy’s daughter, Naima (known as Nummy).
But don’t worry – she was only 8 when the drama went down.
Mundy and Nummy were having a conversation about the future and what she wanted to do when she grew up. But Nummy’s mind was stuck on the idea that she should not only have a career (and a big enough bed) but also find a spouse.
And because she was just a little girl, it’s natural to wonder how that even happens.

That gave way to a bit of a breakdown about the possibility of never finding a husband. And that made her very upset.
Of course, the rest of us know this isn’t really an issue a kid needs to worry about – in fact, it might seem a bit ridiculous. But the 8-year-old brain is one heck of a wild thing.
When Mundy turned around to ask her why she was so upset, Nummy let it all out – complete with the totally understandable fear that she might have to live with her mom her whole life!

With tears streaming down her face and her hands trying to cover her eyes, she told her mom she didn’t know where to find a husband.
And at that moment, it felt like the end of the world.

At 8-years-old, there’s no guarantee she’ll even want a husband when she’s old enough to get married, but that hardly mattered at that moment.
Kids don’t have many reference points, so they assume they have to follow the lead of their role models.
Sure, maybe some older folks can relate and that’s part of the reason it became a viral video – a good spouse IS hard to find, after all!
But Mundy isn’t worried about her daughter’s future.
“Nummy is such an independent girl, she will easily survive with our without a husband. She actively does jujitsu and judo and is an amazing artist.”
While lots of commenters wanted to diagnose her with anxiety or question what’s wrong with the world based on one little kid’s random meltdown, we’re pretty sure it’s not something that’s keeping her up at night. Plenty of independent and high-achieving children get anxious at random moments, but it can usually be rectified with a good talk from a parent.
Mom wrote in the comments on her original Facebook video:
“She asked if she could talk to me alone. Then she told me that she was scared to be alone when she gets older and she just didn’t know where she had to go to find a husband!”
Mundy’s got it under control.
“She does worry a lot, but I support her,” the Los Angeles mom said.

Put in perspective, it doesn’t really seem like such an odd moment. Especially since Nummy is equally concerned about how she might be too tall to fit in a bed someday.
Frankly, she could just need a nap.
Even if she’s having some grand existential crisis about her future, we feel safe saying it passed quickly.
As a kid, your family unit is pretty much your entire world, so it’s pretty natural to think about how you will maintain that in the future.
But we think mom is right not to make too big a deal out of it all and choose to reassure her instead.
(Of course, we’re not so sure about recording the moment and putting it online, but that’s the family’s own business.)
Most parents know that kids announcing they’re going to get married to their friends or thinking about future weddings is just par for the course.

Who knows? Next week she might think the idea of a future partner is yucky and decide she wants to become a superhero when she grows up.
If Nummy is as bright and independent as her mom says she is, she’s probably already over it.
Scroll down below to watch the video of her mini-meltdown and decide for yourself.
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