Most kids would be over the moon if they received a puppy for Christmas, but this little girl’s reaction to her surprise puppy that Santa brought her was priceless and completely unexpected.

The little girl walks out of her room to find a stack of presents waiting for her near their family Christmas tree. She is practically in awe of all the gifts that Santa brought her. She doesn’t even know where to start, and just keeps looking back at her mom who is filming the whole thing.

She continues to wander around her pile of gifts, just taking it all in, when she starts picking out things she wants to open and start playing with. Theres so much to choose from, but her mom tries to direct her attention back to a red and gold box.

Even though her mom clearly wants her to open up this surprise she is still distracted by everything around her.
“Open it! How about you open this box right here? Look, open that box. I like this box. This ones pretty, this one is extremely pretty.” her mom pleads as her daughter moves on to a pink bike that she really wants to ride.

Then she acts like she doesn’t even see it! The suspense is driving everyone watching crazy, waiting to see her reaction to what they already know is inside.

When she finally gets to the gold box, she flips off the lid and with a look of shock on her face all she says is “Oh mommy, we got a new dog.”
A close up of the box reveals a little dark haired puppy you can barely see. He looks out among all the decoration and tissue paper so the only thing you can see are his eyes asking to be picked up.

“That guy looks so beautiful. Thats a real dog!” she backed away at first but eventually inches closer to get a better look at her new pet. “Mommy take it out.” The puppy is still confused and just peeking out of the box at his new owners.

“He’s just looking at me.” she says. Most kids her age would be crying tears of joy or picking up their new baby and cuddling him, but this little girl is still very unsure of her new pet.

The video ends with her still in shock that she got a little puppy for Christmas. The popular video has gained over a million views on YouTube thanks to the combination of the little. girls cuteness, and her new pet.
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