There’s something undeniably heartwarming about hearing the national anthem, especially when it’s sung by a two-year-old.
Maddy Dellaca’s rendition of the “Star-Spangled Banner” is a testament to this.
When she began singing in her family’s living room, her mother, Chelsea, had the foresight to capture the moment on camera.
The result? An utterly delightful video that has since taken the internet by storm.

Now, you might wonder where Maddy picked up the anthem.
The answer is closer to home than you’d think. Like most toddlers, Maddy loves mimicking her parents.
In this case, she had been listening to her father practice the national anthem for an entire year.
He was preparing for an audition, hoping to perform the song at an Iowa Cubs baseball game.
After hearing it so many times, Maddy naturally wanted to give it a shot herself.

Maddy’s newfound love for the anthem wasn’t just a one-time thing.
According to her mother’s interview with Inside Edition, the toddler would sing it every single day.
Whether they were in the car or just running errands, Maddy would spontaneously burst into song.
It was clear she wasn’t singing for any reason other than pure enjoyment.
Given her dedication, it’s no surprise that Maddy’s rendition is quite impressive.
In the video, she’s seen wearing a backward Cubs hat, clutching a toy microphone, and standing on a mini-platform, fully embracing her role as the star performer.

But it’s not just about getting the words or the tune right.
As she sings, she sways and turns, perhaps mimicking her father’s movements.
Even when some of the words are a bit off, her grasp of the melody is spot on.
Chelsea remarked to Inside Edition about her daughter’s talent, emphasizing how children can learn so much at such a young age.

The video has its share of cute moments too.
At one point, Maddy slightly loses her balance but quickly regains her footing.
Without missing a beat, she looks at the camera and exclaims, “Wootsie daisy!”
It’s these candid moments that make the video even more endearing.

But it’s not just about the words; it’s the way she sings them that captures hearts.
With such a bright start, Maddy’s parents believe she has a promising future ahead.
They can already envision her name shining bright in the world of theater.

The internet seems to agree with Maddy’s parents. Her video has garnered a lot of attention and love.
Comments on YouTube are filled with admiration for the young star.
One user pointed out how impressive it was for a two-year-old to have such a grasp on the melody.
Another commented, predicting a bright future for Maddy, saying, “So freakin cute! She’s gonna grow up to be a star I just know it.”

This sweet video proves music has power to bring joy regardless of age.
Watch her adorable singing in the video below!
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